Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.


  1. <!-- Thank you for taking the time to work on a Pull Request for this project! -->
  2. <!-- To ensure your PR is dealt with swiftly please check the following: -->
  3. - [ ] My submission is formatted according to the guidelines in the [contributing guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md)
  4. - [ ] My addition is ordered alphabetically
  5. - [ ] My submission has a useful description
  6. - [ ] The description does not end with punctuation
  7. - [ ] Each table column is padded with one space on either side
  8. - [ ] I have searched the repository for any relevant issues or pull requests
  9. - [ ] Any category I am creating has the minimum requirement of 3 items
  10. - [ ] All changes have been [squashed][squash-link] into a single commit
  11. [squash-link]: <https://github.com/todotxt/todo.txt-android/wiki/Squash-All-Commits-Related-to-a-Single-Issue-into-a-Single-Commit>