diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f7348891..15cec5a8 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1615,6 +1615,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS | | [Hirak Translation](https://translate.hirak.site/) | Translate between 21 of most used languages, accurate, unlimited requests | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | | [Lecto Translation](https://rapidapi.com/lecto-lecto-default/api/lecto-translation/) | Translation API with free tier and reasonable prices | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes | | [LibreTranslate](https://libretranslate.com/docs) | Translation tool with 17 available languages | No | Yes | Unknown | +| [NLP-API](https://www.nlp-api.com/documentation) | NLP tools for multi-lingual categorization, NER, topic tagging, sentiment and more | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes | | [Semantria](https://semantria.readme.io/docs) | Text Analytics with sentiment analysis, categorization & named entity extraction | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown | | [Sentiment Analysis](https://www.meaningcloud.com/developer/sentiment-analysis) | Multilingual sentiment analysis of texts from different sources | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes | | [Tisane](https://tisane.ai/) | Text Analytics with focus on detection of abusive content and law enforcement applications | `OAuth` | Yes | Yes |