| [BookNomads](https://www.booknomads.com/dev) | Books published in the Netherlands and Flanders (about 2.5 million), book covers and related data | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [British National Bibliography](http://bnb.data.bl.uk/) | Books | No | No | Unknown |
| [British National Bibliography](http://bnb.data.bl.uk/) | Books | No | No | Unknown |
@@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Binance](https://github.com/binance-exchange/binance-official-api-docs) | Exchange for Trading Cryptocurrencies based in China | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Binance](https://github.com/binance-exchange/binance-official-api-docs) | Exchange for Trading Cryptocurrencies based in China | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [BitcoinAverage](https://apiv2.bitcoinaverage.com/) | Digital Asset Price Data for the blockchain industry | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [BitcoinAverage](https://apiv2.bitcoinaverage.com/) | Digital Asset Price Data for the blockchain industry | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [BitcoinCharts](https://bitcoincharts.com/about/exchanges/) | Financial and Technical Data related to the Bitcoin Network | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [BitcoinCharts](https://bitcoincharts.com/about/exchanges/) | Financial and Technical Data related to the Bitcoin Network | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Bitmex](https://www.bitmex.com/app/apiOverview) | Real-Time Cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform based in Hong Kong | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Bitmex](https://www.bitmex.com/app/apiOverview) | Real-Time Cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform based in Hong Kong | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Bored](https://www.boredapi.com/) | Find random activities to fight boredom | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Bored](https://www.boredapi.com/) | Find random activities to fight boredom | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Browshot](https://browshot.com/api/documentation) | Easily make screenshots of web pages in any screen size, as any device | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Browshot](https://browshot.com/api/documentation) | Easily make screenshots of web pages in any screen size, as any device | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [CDNJS](https://api.cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery) | Library info on CDNJS | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [CDNJS](https://api.cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery) | Library info on CDNJS | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Changelogs.md](https://changelogs.md) | Structured changelog metadata from open source projects | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Changelogs.md](https://changelogs.md) | Structured changelog metadata from open source projects | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [CountAPI](https://countapi.xyz) | Free and simple counting service. You can use it to track page hits and specific events | No | Yes | Yes |
| [CountAPI](https://countapi.xyz) | Free and simple counting service. You can use it to track page hits and specific events | No | Yes | Yes |
| [DigitalOcean Status](https://status.digitalocean.com/api/v1) | Status of all DigitalOcean services | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [DigitalOcean Status](https://status.digitalocean.com/api/v1) | Status of all DigitalOcean services | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [DomainDb Info](https://domainsdb.info/apidomainsdb/index.php) | Domain name search to find all domains containing particular words/phrases/etc | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [DomainDb Info](https://domainsdb.info) | Domain name search to find all domains containing particular words/phrases/etc | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Faceplusplus](https://www.faceplusplus.com/) | A tool to detect face | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Faceplusplus](https://www.faceplusplus.com/) | A tool to detect face | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Genderize.io](https://genderize.io) | Estimates a gender from a first name | No | Yes | Yes |
| [Genderize.io](https://genderize.io) | Estimates a gender from a first name | No | Yes | Yes |
| [GitHub](https://developer.github.com/v3/) | Make use of GitHub repositories, code and user info programmatically | `OAuth` | Yes | Yes |
| [GitHub](https://developer.github.com/v3/) | Make use of GitHub repositories, code and user info programmatically | `OAuth` | Yes | Yes |
| [HTTP2.Pro](https://http2.pro/doc/api) | Test endpoints for client and server HTTP/2 protocol support | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [HTTP2.Pro](https://http2.pro/doc/api) | Test endpoints for client and server HTTP/2 protocol support | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [IBM Text to Speech](https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/text-to-speech/getting-started.html) | Convert text to speech | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [IBM Text to Speech](https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/text-to-speech/getting-started.html) | Convert text to speech | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [import.io](http://api.docs.import.io/) | Retrieve structured data from a website or RSS feed | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [import.io](http://api.docs.import.io/) | Retrieve structured data from a website or RSS feed | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
@@ -270,9 +268,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Judge0](https://api.judge0.com/) | Compile and run source code | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Judge0](https://api.judge0.com/) | Compile and run source code | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Let's Validate](https://github.com/letsvalidate/api) | Uncovers the technologies used on websites and URL to thumbnail | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Let's Validate](https://github.com/letsvalidate/api) | Uncovers the technologies used on websites and URL to thumbnail | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [License-API](https://github.com/cmccandless/license-api/blob/master/README.md) | Unofficial REST API for choosealicense.com | No | Yes | No |
| [License-API](https://github.com/cmccandless/license-api/blob/master/README.md) | Unofficial REST API for choosealicense.com | No | Yes | No |
| [MAC address vendor lookup](https://macaddress.io) | Retrieve vendor details and other information regarding a given MAC address or an OUI | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [MAC address vendor lookup](https://macaddress.io) | Retrieve vendor details and other information regarding a given MAC address or an OUI | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [Myjson](http://myjson.com/api) | A simple JSON store for your web or mobile app | No | No | Unknown |
| [Nationalize.io](https://nationalize.io) | Estimate the nationality of a first name | No | Yes | Yes |
| [Nationalize.io](https://nationalize.io) | Estimate the nationality of a first name | No | Yes | Yes |
| [OOPSpam](https://oopspam.com/) | Multiple spam filtering service | No | Yes | Yes |
| [OOPSpam](https://oopspam.com/) | Multiple spam filtering service | No | Yes | Yes |
| [Plino](https://plino.herokuapp.com/) | Spam filtering system | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Plino](https://plino.herokuapp.com/) | Spam filtering system | No | Yes | Unknown |
@@ -284,13 +280,10 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [QR code](http://goqr.me/api/) | Generate and decode / read QR code graphics | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [QR code](http://goqr.me/api/) | Generate and decode / read QR code graphics | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [QuickChart](https://quickchart.io/) | Generate chart and graph images | No | Yes | Yes |
| [QuickChart](https://quickchart.io/) | Generate chart and graph images | No | Yes | Yes |
| [ReqRes](https://reqres.in/ ) | A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [ReqRes](https://reqres.in/ ) | A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Scrape Website Email](https://market.mashape.com/tommytcchan/scrape-website-email) | Grabs email addresses from a URL | `X-Mashape-Key` | Yes | Unknown |
| [FraudLabs Pro](https://www.fraudlabspro.com/developer/api/screen-order) | Screen order information using AI to detect frauds | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Whitepages Pro](https://pro.whitepages.com/developer/documentation/identity-check-api/) | Global identity verification with phone, address, email and IP | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Whitepages Pro](https://pro.whitepages.com/developer/documentation/reverse-phone-api/) | Get an owner’s name, address, demographics based on the phone number | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Wargaming.net](https://developers.wargaming.net/) | Wargaming.net info and stats | `apiKey` | Yes | No |
| [Wargaming.net](https://developers.wargaming.net/) | Wargaming.net info and stats | `apiKey` | Yes | No |
| [xkcd](https://xkcd.com/json.html) | Retrieve xkcd comics as JSON | No | Yes | No |
| [xkcd](https://xkcd.com/json.html) | Retrieve xkcd comics as JSON | No | Yes | No |
@@ -475,7 +450,6 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [PostcodeData.nl](http://api.postcodedata.nl/v1/postcode/?postcode=1211EP&streetnumber=60&ref=domeinnaam.nl&type=json) | Provide geolocation data based on postcode for Dutch addresses | No | No | Unknown |
| [PostcodeData.nl](http://api.postcodedata.nl/v1/postcode/?postcode=1211EP&streetnumber=60&ref=domeinnaam.nl&type=json) | Provide geolocation data based on postcode for Dutch addresses | No | No | Unknown |
| [Postcodes.io](https://postcodes.io) | Postcode lookup & Geolocation for the UK | No | Yes | Yes |
| [Postcodes.io](https://postcodes.io) | Postcode lookup & Geolocation for the UK | No | Yes | Yes |
| [REST Countries](https://restcountries.eu) | Get information about countries via a RESTful API | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [REST Countries](https://restcountries.eu) | Get information about countries via a RESTful API | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [SmartIP.io](https://smartip.io) | IP Geolocation and Threat Intelligence API | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [Uebermaps](https://uebermaps.com/api/v2) | Discover and share maps with friends | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Uebermaps](https://uebermaps.com/api/v2) | Discover and share maps with friends | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [US ZipCode](https://smartystreets.com/docs/cloud/us-zipcode-api) | Validate and append data for any US ZipCode | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [US ZipCode](https://smartystreets.com/docs/cloud/us-zipcode-api) | Validate and append data for any US ZipCode | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [Utah AGRC](https://api.mapserv.utah.gov) | Utah Web API for geocoding Utah addresses | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Utah AGRC](https://api.mapserv.utah.gov) | Utah Web API for geocoding Utah addresses | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
@@ -533,14 +507,13 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [NPPES](https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/registry/help-api) | National Plan & Provider Enumeration System, info on healthcare providers registered in US | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [NPPES](https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/registry/help-api) | National Plan & Provider Enumeration System, info on healthcare providers registered in US | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Open Skills](https://github.com/workforce-data-initiative/skills-api/wiki/API-Overview) | Job titles, skills and related jobs data | No | No | Unknown |
| [Open Skills](https://github.com/workforce-data-initiative/skills-api/wiki/API-Overview) | Job titles, skills and related jobs data | No | No | Unknown |
| [Search.gov Jobs](https://search.gov/developer/jobs.html) | Tap into a list of current jobs openings with the United States government | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [The Muse](https://www.themuse.com/developers/api/v2) | Job board and company profiles | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [The Muse](https://www.themuse.com/developers/api/v2) | Job board and company profiles | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Upwork](https://developers.upwork.com/) | Freelance job board and management system | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Upwork](https://developers.upwork.com/) | Freelance job board and management system | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [USAJOBS](https://developer.usajobs.gov/) | US government job board | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [USAJOBS](https://developer.usajobs.gov/) | US government job board | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
@@ -586,7 +558,6 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Lyrics.ovh](http://docs.lyricsovh.apiary.io/) | Simple API to retrieve the lyrics of a song | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Lyrics.ovh](http://docs.lyricsovh.apiary.io/) | Simple API to retrieve the lyrics of a song | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Openwhyd](https://openwhyd.github.io/openwhyd/API) | Download curated playlists of streaming tracks (YouTube, SoundCloud, etc...) | `No` | Yes | No |
| [Openwhyd](https://openwhyd.github.io/openwhyd/API) | Download curated playlists of streaming tracks (YouTube, SoundCloud, etc...) | `No` | Yes | No |
| [SearchLy](https://searchly.asuarez.dev/docs/v1) | Similarities search based on song lyrics | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [SearchLy](https://searchly.asuarez.dev/docs/v1) | Similarities search based on song lyrics | No | Yes | Unknown |
@@ -606,7 +577,6 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Chronicling America](http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/about/api/) | Provides access to millions of pages of historic US newspapers from the Library of Congress | No | No | Unknown |
| [Chronicling America](http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/about/api/) | Provides access to millions of pages of historic US newspapers from the Library of Congress | No | No | Unknown |
| [Currents](https://currentsapi.services/) | Latest news published in various news sources, blogs and forums | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [Currents](https://currentsapi.services/) | Latest news published in various news sources, blogs and forums | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [CivicFeed](https://developers.civicfeed.com/) | News articles and public datasets | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [CivicFeed](https://developers.civicfeed.com/) | News articles and public datasets | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Datakick](https://www.datakick.org/api) | The open product database | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Enigma Public](http://docs.enigma.com/public/public_v20_api_about) | Broadest collection of public data | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [Enigma Public](http://docs.enigma.com/public/public_v20_api_about) | Broadest collection of public data | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [fonoApi](https://fonoapi.freshpixl.com/) | Mobile Device Description | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [fonoApi](https://fonoapi.freshpixl.com/) | Mobile Device Description | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [French Address Search](https://geo.api.gouv.fr/adresse) | Address search via the French Government | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [French Address Search](https://geo.api.gouv.fr/adresse) | Address search via the French Government | No | Yes | Unknown |
@@ -633,7 +600,6 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Marijuana Strains](http://strains.evanbusse.com/) | Marijuana strains, races, flavors and effects | `apiKey` | No | Unknown |
| [Marijuana Strains](http://strains.evanbusse.com/) | Marijuana strains, races, flavors and effects | `apiKey` | No | Unknown |
| [Microlink.io](https://microlink.io) | Extract structured data from any website | No | Yes | Yes |
| [Microlink.io](https://microlink.io) | Extract structured data from any website | No | Yes | Yes |
| [OpenCorporates](http://api.opencorporates.com/documentation/API-Reference) | Data on corporate entities and directors in many countries | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [OpenCorporates](http://api.opencorporates.com/documentation/API-Reference) | Data on corporate entities and directors in many countries | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [FilterLists](https://filterlists.com/api) | Lists of filters for adblockers and firewalls | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [FilterLists](https://filterlists.com) | Lists of filters for adblockers and firewalls | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [FraudLabs Pro](https://www.fraudlabspro.com/developer/api/screen-order) | Screen order information using AI to detect frauds | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [HaveIBeenPwned](https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v3) | Passwords which have previously been exposed in data breaches | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [HaveIBeenPwned](https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v3) | Passwords which have previously been exposed in data breaches | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [National Vulnerability Database](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/Data-Feeds/JSON-feed-changelog) | U.S. National Vulnerability Database | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [National Vulnerability Database](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/Data-Feeds/JSON-feed-changelog) | U.S. National Vulnerability Database | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [SecurityTrails](https://securitytrails.com/corp/apidocs) | Domain and IP related information such as current and historical WHOIS and DNS records | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [SecurityTrails](https://securitytrails.com/corp/apidocs) | Domain and IP related information such as current and historical WHOIS and DNS records | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
@@ -771,7 +737,6 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Pinterest](https://developers.pinterest.com/) | The world's catalog of ideas | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Pinterest](https://developers.pinterest.com/) | The world's catalog of ideas | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [PWRTelegram bot](https://pwrtelegram.xyz) | Boosted version of the Telegram bot API | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [PWRTelegram bot](https://pwrtelegram.xyz) | Boosted version of the Telegram bot API | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/dev/api) | Homepage of the internet | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/dev/api) | Homepage of the internet | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [SharedCount](http://docs.sharedcount.com/) | Social media like and share data for any URL | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Telegram Bot](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api) | Simplified HTTP version of the MTProto API for bots | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Telegram Bot](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api) | Simplified HTTP version of the MTProto API for bots | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Telegram MTProto](https://core.telegram.org/api#getting-started) | Read and write Telegram data | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Telegram MTProto](https://core.telegram.org/api#getting-started) | Read and write Telegram data | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
@@ -788,9 +753,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [balldontlie](https://balldontlie.io) | Ballldontlie provides access to stats data from the NBA | No | Yes | Yes |
| [balldontlie](https://balldontlie.io) | Ballldontlie provides access to stats data from the NBA | No | Yes | Yes |
| [BikeWise](https://www.bikewise.org/documentation/api_v2) | Bikewise is a place to learn about and report bike crashes, hazards and thefts | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [BikeWise](https://www.bikewise.org/documentation/api_v2) | Bikewise is a place to learn about and report bike crashes, hazards and thefts | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Canadian Football League (CFL)](http://api.cfl.ca/) | Official JSON API providing real-time league, team and player statistics about the CFL | `apiKey` | Yes | No |
| [Canadian Football League (CFL)](http://api.cfl.ca/) | Official JSON API providing real-time league, team and player statistics about the CFL | `apiKey` | Yes | No |
| [Cartola FC](https://github.com/wgenial/cartrolandofc) | The Cartola FC API serves to check the partial points of your team | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [City Bikes](http://api.citybik.es/v2/) | City Bikes around the world | No | No | Unknown |
| [City Bikes](http://api.citybik.es/v2/) | City Bikes around the world | No | No | Unknown |
| [Cricket Live Scores](https://market.mashape.com/dev132/cricket-live-scores) | Live cricket scores | `X-Mashape-Key` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Ergast F1](http://ergast.com/mrd/) | F1 data from the beginning of the world championships in 1950 | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Ergast F1](http://ergast.com/mrd/) | F1 data from the beginning of the world championships in 1950 | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Football (Soccer) Videos](https://www.scorebat.com/video-api/) | Embed codes for goals and highlights from Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A and many more | No | Yes | Yes |
| [Football (Soccer) Videos](https://www.scorebat.com/video-api/) | Embed codes for goals and highlights from Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A and many more | No | Yes | Yes |
@@ -800,7 +763,6 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [NBA Stats](https://any-api.com/nba_com/nba_com/docs/API_Description) | Current and historical NBA Statistics | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [NBA Stats](https://any-api.com/nba_com/nba_com/docs/API_Description) | Current and historical NBA Statistics | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [NFL Arrests](http://nflarrest.com/api/) | NFL Arrest Data | No | No | Unknown |
| [NFL Arrests](http://nflarrest.com/api/) | NFL Arrest Data | No | No | Unknown |
| [NHL Records and Stats](https://gitlab.com/dword4/nhlapi) | NHL historical data and statistics | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [NHL Records and Stats](https://gitlab.com/dword4/nhlapi) | NHL historical data and statistics | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Pro Motocross](http://promotocrossapi.com) | The RESTful AMA Pro Motocross lap times for every racer on the start gate | No | No | Unknown |
| [Strava](https://strava.github.io/api/) | Connect with athletes, activities and more | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Strava](https://strava.github.io/api/) | Connect with athletes, activities and more | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [SuredBits](https://suredbits.com/api/) | Query sports data, including teams, players, games, scores and statistics | No | No | No |
| [SuredBits](https://suredbits.com/api/) | Query sports data, including teams, players, games, scores and statistics | No | No | No |
| [TheSportsDB](https://www.thesportsdb.com/api.php) | Crowd-Sourced Sports Data and Artwork | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [TheSportsDB](https://www.thesportsdb.com/api.php) | Crowd-Sourced Sports Data and Artwork | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
@@ -814,12 +776,9 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Bacon Ipsum](https://baconipsum.com/json-api/) | A Meatier Lorem Ipsum Generator | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Bacon Ipsum](https://baconipsum.com/json-api/) | A Meatier Lorem Ipsum Generator | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Dicebear Avatars](https://avatars.dicebear.com/) | Generate random pixel-art avatars | No | Yes | No |
| [Dicebear Avatars](https://avatars.dicebear.com/) | Generate random pixel-art avatars | No | Yes | No |
| [FakeJSON](https://fakejson.com) | Service to generate test and fake data | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [FakeJSON](https://fakejson.com) | Service to generate test and fake data | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [FHIR](http://fhirtest.uhn.ca/home) | Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources test data | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Hipster Ipsum](http://hipsterjesus.com/) | Generates Hipster Ipsum text | No | No | Unknown |
| [JSONPlaceholder](http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/) | Fake data for testing and prototyping | No | No | Unknown |
| [JSONPlaceholder](http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/) | Fake data for testing and prototyping | No | No | Unknown |
| [Lorem Text](https://market.mashape.com/montanaflynn/lorem-text-generator) | Generates Lorem Ipsum text | `X-Mashape-Key` | Yes | Unknown |
| [LoremPicsum](http://lorempicsum.com) | Generate placeholder pictures | No | No | Unknown |
Yes | Unknown |
| [Loripsum](http://loripsum.net/) | The "lorem ipsum" generator that doesn't suck | No | No | Unknown |
| [Loripsum](http://loripsum.net/) | The "lorem ipsum" generator that doesn't suck | No | No | Unknown |
| [PIPL](https://pipl.ir/) | Free and public API that generates random and fake people's data in JSON | No | Yes | No |
| [PIPL](https://pipl.ir/) | Free and public API that generates random and fake people's data in JSON | No | Yes | No |
| [RandomUser](https://randomuser.me) | Generates random user data | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [RandomUser](https://randomuser.me) | Generates random user data | No | Yes | Unknown |
@@ -836,7 +795,6 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Cloudmersive Natural Language Processing](https://www.cloudmersive.com/nlp-api) | Natural language processing and text analysis | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [Cloudmersive Natural Language Processing](https://www.cloudmersive.com/nlp-api) | Natural language processing and text analysis | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |
| [Detect Language](https://detectlanguage.com/) | Detects text language | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Detect Language](https://detectlanguage.com/) | Detects text language | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Google Cloud Natural](https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/docs/) | Natural language understanding technology, including sentiment, entity and syntax analysis | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Google Cloud Natural](https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/docs/) | Natural language understanding technology, including sentiment, entity and syntax analysis | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Language Identification](https://rapidapi.com/BigLobster/api/language-identification-prediction) | Automatic language detection for any texts, supports over 175 languages | `X-Mashape-Key` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Semantira](https://semantria.readme.io/docs) | Text Analytics with sentiment analysis, categorization & named entity extraction | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Semantira](https://semantria.readme.io/docs) | Text Analytics with sentiment analysis, categorization & named entity extraction | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Watson Natural Language Understanding](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/natural-language-understanding/natural-language-understanding) | Natural language processing for advanced text analysis | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Watson Natural Language Understanding](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/natural-language-understanding/natural-language-understanding) | Natural language processing for advanced text analysis | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown |
@@ -887,12 +845,9 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Transport for India](https://data.gov.in/sector/transport) | India Public Transport API | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Transport for India](https://data.gov.in/sector/transport) | India Public Transport API | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Transport for Lisbon, Portugal](https://emel.city-platform.com/opendata/) | Data about buses routes, parking and traffic | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Transport for Lisbon, Portugal](https://emel.city-platform.com/opendata/) | Data about buses routes, parking and traffic | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Transport for London, England](https://api.tfl.gov.uk) | TfL API | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Transport for London, England](https://api.tfl.gov.uk) | TfL API | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Transport for Madrid, Spain](http://opendata.emtmadrid.es/Servicios-web/BUS) | Madrid BUS transport API | `apiKey` | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for Manchester, England](https://developer.tfgm.com/) | TfGM transport network data | `apiKey` | Yes | No |
| [Transport for Manchester, England](https://developer.tfgm.com/) | TfGM transport network data | `apiKey` | Yes | No |
| [Transport for Minneapolis, US](http://svc.metrotransit.org/) | NexTrip API | `OAuth` | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for New York City, US](http://datamine.mta.info/) | MTA | `apiKey` | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for New York City, US](http://datamine.mta.info/) | MTA | `apiKey` | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for Norway](http://reisapi.ruter.no/help) | Norwegian transport API | No | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for Norway](http://reisapi.ruter.no/help) | Norwegian transport API | No | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for Ottawa, Canada](http://www.octranspo.com/index.php/developers) | OC Transpo next bus arrival API | No | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for Paris, France](http://restratpws.azurewebsites.net/swagger/) | Live schedules made simple | No | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for Paris, France](http://restratpws.azurewebsites.net/swagger/) | Live schedules made simple | No | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for Paris, France](http://data.ratp.fr/api/v1/console/datasets/1.0/search/) | RATP Open Data API | No | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for Paris, France](http://data.ratp.fr/api/v1/console/datasets/1.0/search/) | RATP Open Data API | No | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for Philadelphia, US](http://www3.septa.org/hackathon/) | SEPTA APIs | No | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for Philadelphia, US](http://www3.septa.org/hackathon/) | SEPTA APIs | No | No | Unknown |
@@ -905,7 +860,6 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Transport for Toronto, Canada](https://myttc.ca/developers) | TTC | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Transport for Toronto, Canada](https://myttc.ca/developers) | TTC | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Transport for United States](http://www.nextbus.com/xmlFeedDocs/NextBusXMLFeed.pdf) | NextBus API | No | No | Unknown |
| [Transport for United States](http://www.nextbus.com/xmlFeedDocs/NextBusXMLFeed.pdf) | NextBus API | No | No | Unknown |