@@ -425,6 +425,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS | |
| [Kroki](https://kroki.io) | Creates diagrams from textual descriptions | No | Yes | Yes | |
| [License-API](https://github.com/cmccandless/license-api/blob/master/README.md) | Unofficial REST API for choosealicense.com | No | Yes | No | |
| [Logs.to](https://logs.to/) | Generate logs | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | |
| [Lua Decompiler](https://lua-decompiler.ferib.dev/) | Online Lua 5.1 Decompiler | No | Yes | Yes | |
| [MAC address vendor lookup](https://macaddress.io/api) | Retrieve vendor details and other information regarding a given MAC address or an OUI | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes | |
| [MicroENV](https://microenv.com/) | Fake Rest API for developers | No | Yes | Unknown | |
| [Nationalize.io](https://nationalize.io) | Estimate the nationality of a first name | No | Yes | Yes | |