@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link | |
| Federal Register | The Daily Journal of the United States Government | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.federalregister.gov/reader-aids/developer-resources) | |
| Federal Register | The Daily Journal of the United States Government | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.federalregister.gov/reader-aids/developer-resources) | |
| fonoApi | Mobile Device Description | No | Yes | [Go!](https://fonoapi.freshpixl.com/) | |
| fonoApi | Mobile Device Description | No | Yes | [Go!](https://fonoapi.freshpixl.com/) | |
| French Address Search | French Government | No | Yes | [Go!](https://adresse.data.gouv.fr/api) | |
| French Address Search | French Government | No | Yes | [Go!](https://adresse.data.gouv.fr/api) | |
| INQStats | Open demographic data such as population, life expectancy, migration rate, etc. | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://blog.inqubu.com/inqstats-open-api-published-to-get-demographic-data) | |
| INQStats | Open demographic data such as population, life expectancy, migration rate, etc | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://blog.inqubu.com/inqstats-open-api-published-to-get-demographic-data) | |
| Marijuana Strains | Marijuana strains, races, flavors, and effects | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://strains.evanbusse.com/) | |
| Marijuana Strains | Marijuana strains, races, flavors, and effects | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://strains.evanbusse.com/) | |
| Microlink.io | Turns any link into information | No | Yes | [Go!](https://docs.microlink.io) | |
| Microlink.io | Turns any link into information | No | Yes | [Go!](https://docs.microlink.io) | |
| Open Government, Australia | Australian Government Open Data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.data.gov.au/) | |
| Open Government, Australia | Australian Government Open Data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.data.gov.au/) | |