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Add Keanu Reeves Whoa API to Entertainment

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README.md Parādīt failu

@@ -698,6 +698,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Excuser](https://excuser.herokuapp.com/) | Get random excuses for various situations | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Fun Fact](https://api.aakhilv.me) | A simple HTTPS api that can randomly select and return a fact from the FFA database | No | Yes | Yes |
| [Imgflip](https://imgflip.com/api) | Gets an array of popular memes | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Keanu Reeves Whoa](https://whoa.onrender.com/) | JSON API for every "whoa" said by actor Keanu Reeves in his movies | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Meme Maker](https://mememaker.github.io/API/) | REST API for create your own meme | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [NaMoMemes](https://github.com/theIYD/NaMoMemes) | Memes on Narendra Modi | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Random Useless Facts](https://uselessfacts.jsph.pl/) | Get useless, but true facts | No | Yes | Unknown |

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