@@ -91,20 +102,31 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
### Books
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| BookNomads | Books published in the Netherlands and Flanders (about 2.5 million), book covers, and related data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.booknomads.com/dev) |
| British National Bibliography | Books | No | No | [Go!](http://bnb.data.bl.uk/) |
| Gmail | Flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/) |
| Google Analytics | Collect, configure, and analyze your data to reach the right audience | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://developers.google.com/analytics/) |
| markerapi | Trademark Search | No | No | [Go!](http://www.markerapi.com/) |
| Trello | Boards, lists, and cards to help you organize and prioritize your projects | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://developers.trello.com/) |
### Calendar
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Church Calendar | Catholic liturgical calendar | No | No | [Go!](http://calapi.inadiutorium.cz/) |
| Czech Namedays Calendar | Lookup for a name and returns nameday date | No | No | [Go!](http://svatky.adresa.info/) |
| Google Calendar | Display, create and modify Google calendar events | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/) |
| Hebrew Calendar | Convert between Gregarian and Hebrew, fetch Shabbat and Holiday times, etc | No | No | [Go!](https://www.hebcal.com/home/developer-apis) |
| CircleCI | Automate the software development process using continuous integration and continuous delivery | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://circleci.com/docs/api/v1-reference/) |
| Codeship | Codeship is a Continuous Integration Platform in the cloud | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://apidocs.codeship.com/) |
| Travis CI | Sync your GitHub projects with Travis CI to test your code in minutes | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://docs.travis-ci.com/api/) |
| Czech National Bank | A collection of exchange rates | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.cnb.cz/cs/financni_trhy/devizovy_trh/kurzy_devizoveho_trhu/denni_kurz.xml) |
| Fixer.io | Exchange rates and currency conversion | No | Yes | [Go!](http://fixer.io) |
### Data Validation
@@ -129,6 +174,8 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| languagelayer | Language detection | No | Yes | [Go!](https://languagelayer.com) |
| NumValidate | Open Source phone number validation | No | Yes | [Go!](https://numvalidate.com) |
| numverify | Phone number validation | No | Yes | [Go!](https://numverify.com) |
| PurgoMalum | Content validator against profanity & obscenity | No | No | [Go!](http://www.purgomalum.com) |
| vatlayer | VAT number validation | No | Yes | [Go!](https://vatlayer.com) |
@@ -136,38 +183,48 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
### Development
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Adorable Avatars | Generate random cartoon avatars | No | Yes | [Go!](http://avatars.adorable.io) |
| ApiLeap | Make screenshots from web pages and HTML | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://apileap.com/) |
| APIs.guru | Wikipedia for Web APIs, OpenAPI/Swagger specs for public APIs | No | Yes | [Go!](https://apis.guru/api-doc/) |
| Bacon Ipsum | A Meatier Lorem Ipsum Generator | No | Yes | [Go!](https://baconipsum.com/json-api/) |
| BetterMeta | Return a site's meta tags in JSON format | X-Mashape-Key | Yes | [Go!](http://bettermeta.io) |
| Bitbucket | Pull public information for a Bitbucket account | No | Yes | [Go!](https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/users/karllhughes) |
| Browshot | Easily make screenshots of web pages in any screen size, as any device | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://browshot.com/api/documentation) |
| CDNJS | Library info on CDNJS | No | Yes | [Go!](https://api.cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery) |
| Changelogs.md | Structured changelog metadata from open source projects | No | Yes | [Go!](https://changelogs.md) |
| Count.io | Persistent counting and A/B testing | No | Yes | [Go!](https://count.io) |
| DigitalOcean Status | Status of all DigitalOcean services | No | Yes | [Go!](https://status.digitalocean.com/api/v1) |
| DomainDb Info | Domain name search to find all domains containing particular words/phrases/etc | No | Yes | [Go!](https://domainsdb.info/apidomainsdb/index.php) |
| Faceplusplus | A tool to detect face | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.faceplusplus.com/) |
| Genderize.io | Determines a gender from a first name | No | Yes | [Go!](https://genderize.io) |
| Github - User Data | Pull public information for a user's github | No | Yes | [Go!](https://api.github.com/users/hackeryou) |
| Github | Information for a user's Github profile | No | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.github.com/v3/) |
| HackerRank | Compile source code and run against a set of provided test cases | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.hackerrank.com/api/docs) |
| Hipster Ipsum | Generates Hipster Ipsum text | No | No | [Go!](http://hipsterjesus.com/) |
| HTTP2.Pro | Test endpoints for client and server HTTP/2 protocol support | No | Yes | [Go!](https://http2.pro/doc/api) |
| import.io | Retrieve structured data from a website or RSS feed | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](http://api.docs.import.io/) |
| IPify | A simple IP Address API | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.ipify.org/) |
| IPinfo | Another simple IP Address API | No | Yes | [Go!](https://ipinfo.io/developers) |
| JSON 2 JSONP | Convert JSON to JSONP (on-the-fly) for easy cross-domain data requests using client-side JavaScript | No | Yes | [Go!](https://json2jsonp.com/) |
| JSONbin.io | Free JSON storage service. Ideal for small scale Web apps, Websites and Mobile apps | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://jsonbin.io) |
| JSONPlaceholder | Fake data for testing and prototyping | No | No | [Go!](http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/) |
| Judge0 API | Compile and run source code | No | Yes | [Go!](https://api.judge0.com/) |
| Kairos | Face Recognition and Emotion Analysis | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.kairos.com/features) |
| Let's Validate | Uncovers the technologies used on websites and URL to thumbnail | No | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/letsvalidate/api) |
| Lorem Text | Generates Lorem Ipsum text | `X-Mashape-Key` | Yes | [Go!](https://market.mashape.com/montanaflynn/lorem-text-generator) |
| Loripsum | The "lorem ipsum" generator that doesn't suck | No | No | [Go!](http://loripsum.net/) |
| Myjson | A simple JSON store for your web or mobile app | No | No | [Go!](http://myjson.com/api) |
| Plino | Spam filtering system | No | Yes | [Go!](https://plino.herokuapp.com/) |
| Public APIs | A collective list of free JSON APIs for use in web development | No | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/toddmotto/public-apis/tree/master/json) |
| RandomUser | Generates random user data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://randomuser.me) |
| RandomWord | Generate random word | No | No | [Go!](http://www.setgetgo.com/randomword/) |
| QR code | Generate and decode / read QR code graphics | No | Yes | [Go!](http://goqr.me/api/) |
| ReqRes | A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests | No | Yes | [Go!](https://reqres.in/ ) |
| RoboHash | Generate random robot/alien avatars | No | Yes | [Go!](https://robohash.org/) |
| Scrape Website Email | Grabs email addresses from a URL | `X-Mashape-Key` | Yes | [Go!](https://market.mashape.com/tommytcchan/scrape-website-email) |
| SHOUTCLOUD | ALL-CAPS AS A SERVICE | No | No | [Go!](http://shoutcloud.io/) |
| StackExchange | Q&A forum for developers | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://api.stackexchange.com/) |
| UI Names | Generate random fake names | No | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/thm/uinames) |
| Verse | Check what's the latest version of your favorite open-source project | No | Yes | [Go!](https://verse.pawelad.xyz/) |
| XML to JSON | Integration developer utility APIs | No | Yes | [Go!](https://developers.wso2apistore.com/) |
@@ -186,15 +244,26 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| AirVisual | Air quality and weather data | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://airvisual.com/api) |
| OpenAQ | Open air quality data | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://docs.openaq.org/) |
| PM2.5.in | Air quality of China | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://www.pm25.in/api_doc) |
| UK Carbon Intensity | The Official Carbon Intensity API for Great Britain developed by National Grid | No | Yes | [Go!](https://carbon-intensity.github.io/api-definitions/#carbon-intensity-api-v1-0-0) |
| Mapzen Search | Open Source & Open Data Global Geocoding Service | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://mapzen.com/products/search/) |
| Mexico | Mexico RESTful zip codes API | No | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/IcaliaLabs/sepomex) |
| One Map 2.0, Singapore | Singapore Land Authority REST API services for Singapore addresses | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://docs.onemap.sg/) |
| One Map, Singapore | Singapore Land Authority REST API services for Singapore addresses | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://docs.onemap.sg/) |
| OnWater | Determine if a lat/lon is on water or land | No | Yes | [Go!](https://onwater.io/) |
| OpenCage | Forward and reverse geocoding using open data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://geocoder.opencagedata.com) |
| OpenStreetMap | Navigation, geolocation and geographical data | `OAuth` | No | [Go!](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API) |
| PostcodeData.nl | Provide geolocation data based on postcode for Dutch addresses | No | No | [Go!](http://api.postcodedata.nl/v1/postcode/?postcode=1211EP&streetnumber=60&ref=domeinnaam.nl&type=json) |
| Postcodes.io | Postcode lookup & Geolocation for the UK | No | Yes | [Go!](https://postcodes.io) |
| REST Countries | Get information about countries via a RESTful API | No | Yes | [Go!](https://restcountries.eu) |
| Uebermaps | Discover and share maps with friends | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://uebermaps.com/api/v2) |
| Utah AGRC | Utah Web API for geocoding Utah addresses | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://api.mapserv.utah.gov) |
| ViaCep | Brazil RESTful zip codes API | No | Yes | [Go!](https://viacep.com.br) |
| Zippopotam | Get information about place such as country, city, state, etc | No | No | [Go!](http://www.zippopotam.us) |
@@ -280,27 +365,54 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
### Government
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| BCLaws | Access to the laws of British Columbia | No | No | [Go!](http://www.bclaws.ca/civix/template/complete/api/index.html) |
| BusinessUSA | BusinessUSA gives developers access to authoritative information on U.S. programs, events, services and more | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://business.usa.gov/developer) |
| Census.gov | The US Census Bureau provides various APIs and data sets on demographics and businesses | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.census.gov/data/developers/data-sets.html) |
| EPA | Web services and data sets from the US Environmental Protection Agency | No | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.epa.gov/category/api/) |
| FEC | Information on campaign donations in federal elections | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://api.open.fec.gov/developers/) |
| Food Standards Agency | UK food hygiene rating data API | No | No | [Go!](http://ratings.food.gov.uk/open-data/en-GB) |
| Regulations.gov | Regulations.gov provides access to Federal regulatory materials and increases public participation and their understanding of the Federal rule making process | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://regulationsgov.github.io/developers/) |
### Health
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| BetterDoctor | Detailed information about doctors in your area | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.betterdoctor.com/) |
| Diabetes | Logging and retrieving diabetes information | No | No | [Go!](http://predictbgl.com/api/) |
| Flutrack | Influenza-like symptoms with geotracking | No | No | [Go!](http://www.flutrack.org/) |
| Healthcare.gov | Educational content about the US Health Insurance Marketplace | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.healthcare.gov/developers/) |
| Lexigram | NLP that extracts mentions of clinical concepts from text, gives access to clinical ontology | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://docs.lexigram.io/v1/welcome) |
| Makeup | Makeup Information | No | No | [Go!](http://makeup-api.herokuapp.com/) |
| Medicare | Access to the data from the CMS - medicare.gov | No | Yes | [Go!](https://data.medicare.gov/developers) |
| NPPES | National Plan & Provider Enumeration System, info on healthcare providers registered in US | No | Yes | [Go!](https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/registry/help-api) |
| Open Skills | Job titles, skills, and related jobs data | No | No | [Go!](https://github.com/workforce-data-initiative/skills-api/wiki/API-Overview) |
| Search.gov Jobs | Tap into a list of current jobs openings with the United States government | No | Yes | [Go!](https://search.gov/developer/jobs.html) |
| The Muse | Job board and company profiles | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.themuse.com/developers/api/v2) |
| Upwork | Freelance job board and management system | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://developers.upwork.com/) |
| USAJOBS | US government job board | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.usajobs.gov/) |
| TasteDive | Similar artist API (also works for movies and TV shows) | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://tastedive.com/read/api) |
| TheAudioDB | Music | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://www.theaudiodb.com) |
| Vagalume | Crowdsourced lyrics and music knowledge | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://api.vagalume.com.br/docs/) |
### News
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Chronicling America | Provides access to millions of pages of historic US newspapers from the Library of Congress | No | No | [Go!](http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/about/api/) |
| New York Times | Provides news | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.nytimes.com/) |
| News API | Headlines currently published on a range of news sources and blogs | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://newsapi.org/) |
| NPR One | Personalized news listening experience from NPR | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](http://dev.npr.org/api/) |
| The Guardian | Access all the content the Guardian creates, categorised by tags and section | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](http://open-platform.theguardian.com/) |
### Open Data
@@ -354,14 +469,19 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Data USA | US Public Data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://datausa.io/about/api/) |
| Datakick | The open product database | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.datakick.org/api) |
| Dronestream | Tracks United States drone strikes | No | Yes | [Go!](https://dronestre.am/) |
| Federal Register | The Daily Journal of the United States Government | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.federalregister.gov/reader-aids/developer-resources) |
| fonoApi | Mobile Device Description | No | Yes | [Go!](https://fonoapi.freshpixl.com/) |
| French Address Search | French Government | No | Yes | [Go!](https://adresse.data.gouv.fr/api) |
| Marijuana Strains | Marijuana strains, races, flavors, and effects | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://strains.evanbusse.com/) |
| Microlink.io | Turns any link into information | No | Yes | [Go!](https://docs.microlink.io) |
| Open Government, Australia | Australian Government Open Data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.data.gov.au/) |
| Open Government, Canada | Canadian Government Open Data | No | No | [Go!](http://open.canada.ca/en) |
| Open Government, France | French Government Open Data | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.data.gouv.fr/) |
| Open Government, India | Indian Government Open Data | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://data.gov.in/) |
| Open Government, New Zealand | New Zealand Government Open Data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.data.govt.nz/) |
| Open Government, Taiwan | Taiwan Government Open Data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://data.gov.tw/) |
| Open Government, USA | United States Government Open Data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.data.gov/) |
| Outpan | A Database of Everything | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://outpan.mixnode.com/developers) |
| Pearson | Dictionary Data | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://developer.pearson.com/apis/dictionaries) |
| Prague Opendata | Prague City Open Data | No | No | [Go!](http://opendata.praha.eu/en) |
| Quandl | Stock Market Data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.quandl.com/) |
| Represent by Open North | Find Canadian Government Representatives | No | Yes | [Go!](https://represent.opennorth.ca/) |
@@ -370,10 +490,9 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| UPC database | More than 1.5 million barcode numbers from all around the world | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://upcdatabase.org/api) |
| Wikidata | Collaboratively edited knowledge base operated by the Wikimedia Foundation | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help) |
| Wikipedia | Mediawiki Encyclopedia | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Main_page) |
| Wordnik | Dictionary Data | No | No | [Go!](http://developer.wordnik.com) |
| Yelp | Find Local Business | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3) |
### Open Source projects
### Open Source Projects
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Countly | Countly web analytics | No | No | [Go!](http://resources.count.ly/docs) |
@@ -391,6 +510,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| chucknorris.io | JSON API for hand curated Chuck Norris jokes | No | Yes | [Go!](https://api.chucknorris.io) |
| FavQs.com | FavQs allows you to collect, discover, and share your favorite quotes | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://favqs.com/api) |
| Forismatic | Inspirational Quotes | No | No | [Go!](http://forismatic.com/en/api/) |
| icanhazdadjoke | The largest selection of dad jokes on the internet | No | Yes | [Go!](https://icanhazdadjoke.com/api) |
| Medium | Community of readers and writers offering unique perspectives on ideas | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/Medium/medium-api-docs) |
@@ -403,9 +523,13 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Discord | Make bots for Discord, integrate Discord onto an external platform | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/intro) |
| DonReach Social Count | Get the social share count of a URL from every major social network | No | Yes | [Go!](https://donreach.com/social-share-count/) |
@@ -455,17 +582,19 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Pinterest | The world's catalog of ideas | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://developers.pinterest.com/) |
| PWRTelegram bot | Boosted version of the Telegram bot API | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://pwrtelegram.xyz) |
| Reddit | Homepage of the internet | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.reddit.com/dev/api) |
| SharedCount | Social media like and share data for any URL | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](http://docs.sharedcount.com/) |
| Telegram Bot | Simplified HTTP version of the MTProto API for bots | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api) |
| Telegram MTProto | Read and write Telegram data | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://core.telegram.org/api#getting-started) |
| Tumblr | Read and write Tumblr Data | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v2) |
| Twitch | Game Streaming API | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/justintv/Twitch-API) |
| Twitch | Game Streaming API | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://dev.twitch.tv/docs) |
| Twitter | Read and write Twitter data | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public) |
| vk | Read and write vk data | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://vk.com/dev/sites) |
### Sports & Fitness
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| BikeWise | Bikewise is a place to learn about and report bike crashes, hazards, and thefts | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.bikewise.org/documentation/api_v2) |
| Cartola FC | The Cartola FC API serves to check the partial points of your team | No | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/wgenial/cartrolandofc) |
| City Bikes | City Bikes around the world | No | No | [Go!](http://api.citybik.es/v2/) |
| Cricket Live Scores | Live cricket scores | `X-Mashape-Key` | Yes | [Go!](https://market.mashape.com/dev132/cricket-live-scores) |
@@ -473,12 +602,38 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| NBA Stats | Current and historical NBA Statistics | No | Yes | [Go!](https://any-api.com/nba_com/nba_com/docs/API_Description) |
| NFL Arrests | NFL Arrest Data | No | No | [Go!](http://nflarrest.com/api/) |
| Pro Motocross | The RESTful AMA Pro Motocross lap times for every racer on the start gate | No | No | [Go!](http://promotocrossapi.com) |
| Strava | Connect with athletes, activities and more | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://strava.github.io/api/) |
| SuredBits | Query sports data, including teams, players, games, scores, and statistics | No | No | [Go!](https://suredbits.com/api/) |
| TheSportsDB | Crowd-Sourced Sports Data and Artwork | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://www.thesportsdb.com) |
| UFC Data | Ultimate Fighting Championship information for events and fighters | No | No | [Go!](http://ufc-data-api.ufc.com/) |
| Wger | Workout manager data as exercises, muscles or equipment | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://wger.de/en/software/api) |
### Test Data
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Adorable Avatars | Generate random cartoon avatars | No | Yes | [Go!](http://avatars.adorable.io) |
| Bacon Ipsum | A Meatier Lorem Ipsum Generator | No | Yes | [Go!](https://baconipsum.com/json-api/) |
| FHIR | Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources test data | No | Yes | [Go!](http://fhirtest.uhn.ca/home) |
| Hipster Ipsum | Generates Hipster Ipsum text | No | No | [Go!](http://hipsterjesus.com/) |
| JSONPlaceholder | Fake data for testing and prototyping | No | No | [Go!](http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/) |
| Lorem Text | Generates Lorem Ipsum text | `X-Mashape-Key` | Yes | [Go!](https://market.mashape.com/montanaflynn/lorem-text-generator) |
| Loripsum | The "lorem ipsum" generator that doesn't suck | No | No | [Go!](http://loripsum.net/) |
| RandomUser | Generates random user data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://randomuser.me) |
| RoboHash | Generate random robot/alien avatars | No | Yes | [Go!](https://robohash.org/) |
| UI Names | Generate random fake names | No | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/thm/uinames) |
| Yes No | Generate yes or no randomly | No | Yes | [Go!](https://yesno.wtf/api) |
### Text Analysis
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Aylien Text Analysis | A collection of information retrieval and natural language APIs | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](http://docs.aylien.com/) |
| Google Cloud Natural | Natural language understanding technologies to developers, including sentiment, entity, and syntax analysis | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/docs/) |
| Semantira | Text Analytics with sentiment analysis, categorization & named entity extraction | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://semantria.readme.io/docs) |
| Watson Natural Language Understanding | Natural language processing for advanced text analysis | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.ibm.com/watson/developercloud/natural-language-understanding/api/v1/) |
### Tracking
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
@@ -493,11 +648,12 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Bay Area Rapid Transit | Stations and predicted arrivals for BART | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://api.bart.gov) |
| Community Transit | Transitland API | No | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/transitland/transitland-datastore/blob/master/README.md#api-endpoints) |
| Goibibo | API for travel search | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.goibibo.com/docs) |
| Transport for Atlanta, US | Marta | No | No | [Go!](http://www.itsmarta.com/app-developer-resources.aspx) |
@@ -528,13 +684,11 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Transport for Switzerland | Official Swiss Public Transport Open Data | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://opentransportdata.swiss/en/) |
| Transport for The Netherlands | NS, only trains | `apiKey` | No | [Go!](http://www.ns.nl/reisinformatie/ns-api) |
| Transport for The Netherlands | OVAPI, country-wide public transport | No | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/skywave/KV78Turbo-OVAPI/wiki) |
| Transport for Tokyo, Japan | Tokyo Metro | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.tokyometroapp.jp/info) |
| Transport for Toronto, Canada | TTC | No | Yes | [Go!](https://myttc.ca/developers) |
| Transport for United States | NextBus API | No | No | [Go!](http://www.nextbus.com/xmlFeedDocs/NextBusXMLFeed.pdf) |
| Transport for Vancouver, Canada | TransLink | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.translink.ca/) |
| Transport for Victoria, AU | PTV API | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/about-ptv/ptv-data-and-reports/digital-products/ptv-timetable-api/) |
| Transport for Washington, US | Washington Metro transport API | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.wmata.com/) |
| Uber | Request Uber rides, reach riders, transport things, and reward drivers | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.uber.com/) |
| WhereIsMyTransport | Platform for public transport data in emerging cities | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.whereismytransport.com/) |
### University
@@ -542,6 +696,14 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Universities List | University names, countries and domains | No | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/Hipo/university-domains-list) |
### URL Shorteners
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| Bitly | URL shortener and link management | `OAuth` | Yes | [Go!](http://dev.bitly.com/get_started.html) |
| ClickMeter | Monitor, compare, and optimize your marketing links | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://support.clickmeter.com/hc/en-us/categories/201474986) |
| Google URL Shortener | Takes long URLs and squeezes them into fewer characters to make a link that is easier to share | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://developers.google.com/url-shortener/v1/getting_started) |