diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a29b46e8..8309e648 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -322,6 +322,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS | API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS | |---|---|---|---|---| | [AirVisual](https://airvisual.com/api) | Air quality and weather data | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | +| [Carbon Interface](https://docs.carboninterface.com/) | API to calculate carbon (C02) emissions estimates for common C02 emitting activities | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes | | [GrünstromIndex](https://www.corrently.de/hintergrund/gruenstromindex/index.html) | Green Power Index for Germany (Grünstromindex/GSI) | No | No | Yes | | [OpenAQ](https://docs.openaq.org/) | Open air quality data | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | | [PM25.in](http://www.pm25.in/api_doc) | Air quality of China | `apiKey` | No | Unknown |