@@ -1381,6 +1381,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS | |
| [Sportmonks Football](https://docs.sportmonks.com/football/) | Football score/schedule, news api, tv channels, stats, history, display standing e.g. epl, la liga | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | |
| [Sportmonks Football](https://docs.sportmonks.com/football/) | Football score/schedule, news api, tv channels, stats, history, display standing e.g. epl, la liga | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | |
| [Strava](https://strava.github.io/api/) | Connect with athletes, activities and more | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown | |
| [Strava](https://strava.github.io/api/) | Connect with athletes, activities and more | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown | |
| [SuredBits](https://suredbits.com/api/) | Query sports data, including teams, players, games, scores and statistics | No | No | No | |
| [SuredBits](https://suredbits.com/api/) | Query sports data, including teams, players, games, scores and statistics | No | No | No | |
| [Tennis-data](https://rapidapi.com/marindelija/api/tennis-data1/) | Get tennis playes, tournaments and matches | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | |
| [TheSportsDB](https://www.thesportsdb.com/api.php) | Crowd-Sourced Sports Data and Artwork | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes | |
| [TheSportsDB](https://www.thesportsdb.com/api.php) | Crowd-Sourced Sports Data and Artwork | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes | |
| [Tredict](https://www.tredict.com/blog/oauth_docs/) | Get and set activities, health data and more | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown | |
| [Tredict](https://www.tredict.com/blog/oauth_docs/) | Get and set activities, health data and more | `OAuth` | Yes | Unknown | |
| [Wger](https://wger.de/en/software/api) | Workout manager data as exercises, muscles or equipment | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | |
| [Wger](https://wger.de/en/software/api) | Workout manager data as exercises, muscles or equipment | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | |