소스 검색

Update - Added GDAX Trading Platform API

Mitul Patel 6 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일2개의 추가작업 그리고 1개의 파일을 삭제
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@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| CoinMarketCap | Cryptocurrencies Prices | No | Yes | [Go!](https://coinmarketcap.com/api/) |
| CryptoCompare | Cryptocurrencies Comparison | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.cryptocompare.com/api#) |
| Cryptonator | Cryptocurrencies Exchange Rates | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.cryptonator.com/api/) |
| GDAX | Cryptocurrency Trading Platform | `apiKey` | Yes | [Go!](https://docs.gdax.com/#api) |
| MercadoBitcoin | Brazilian Cryptocurrency Information | No | Yes | [Go!](https://www.mercadobitcoin.net/api-doc/) |

### Currency Exchange
@@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | Link |
| NASA | NASA data, including imagery | No | Yes | [Go!](https://api.nasa.gov) |
| Open Notify | ISS astronauts, current location, etc | No | No | [Go!](http://open-notify.org/Open-Notify-API/) |
| Open Science Framework | Repository and archive for study designs, research materials, data, manuscripts, etc | No | Yes | [Go!](https://developer.osf.io) |
| SHARE | A free, open, dataset about research and scholarly activities | No | Yes | [Go!](https://share.osf.io/api/v2/) |
| SHARE | A free, open, dataset about research and scholarly activities | No | Yes | [Go!](https://share.osf.io/api/v2/) |
| SpaceX | Company, vehicle, launchpad and launch data | No | Yes | [Go!](https://github.com/r-spacex/SpaceX-API) |
| Sunrise and Sunset | Sunset and sunrise times for a given latitude and longitude | No | Yes | [Go!](https://sunrise-sunset.org/api) |
| USGS Earthquake Hazards Program | Earthquakes data real-time | No | Yes | [Go!](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/) |

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