@@ -1108,6 +1108,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS | |
| [Randommer](https://randommer.io/randommer-api) | Random data generator | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes | |
| [RandomUser](https://randomuser.me) | Generates and list user data | No | Yes | Unknown | |
| [RoboHash](https://robohash.org/) | Generate random robot/alien avatars | No | Yes | Unknown | |
| [Spanish random names](https://random-names-api.herokuapp.com/public) | Generate spanish names (with gender) randomly | No | Yes | Unknown | |
| [Spanish random words](https://palabras-aleatorias-public-api.herokuapp.com) | Generate spanish words randomly | No | Yes | Unknown | |
| [This Person Does not Exist](https://thispersondoesnotexist.com) | Generates real-life faces of people who do not exist | No | Yes | Unknown | |
| [UUID Generator](https://www.uuidtools.com/docs) | Generate UUIDs | No | Yes | No | |