#!/usr/bin/env ruby auth_keys = ['apiKey', 'OAuth', 'X-Mashape-Key', 'No'] https_keys = ['Yes', 'No'] args = ARGV filename = args[0] fail_flag = false File.foreach(filename).with_index do |line, line_num| line_num += 1 # puts "#{line_num}: #{line}" if line.start_with?('|') # Skip table schema lines if line.eql? "|---|---|---|---|---|\n" next end values = line.split("|") # Check Auth values to conform to valid options only auth_val = values[3].lstrip.chop.tr('``', '') if !auth_keys.include?(auth_val) puts "(#{line_num}) Invalid Auth (not a valid option): #{auth_val}" fail_flag = true end # Check HTTPS Support values to be either "Yes" or "No" https_val = values[4].lstrip.chop if !https_keys.include?(https_val) puts "(#{line_num}) Invalid HTTPS: (must use \"Yes\" or \"No\"): #{https_val}" fail_flag = true end end end