# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from typing import List, Tuple, Dict anchor = '###' auth_keys = ['apiKey', 'OAuth', 'X-Mashape-Key', 'User-Agent', 'No'] punctuation = ['.', '?', '!'] https_keys = ['Yes', 'No'] cors_keys = ['Yes', 'No', 'Unknown'] index_title = 0 index_desc = 1 index_auth = 2 index_https = 3 index_cors = 4 index_link = 5 num_segments = 5 min_entries_per_section = 3 anchor_re = re.compile(anchor + '\s(.+)') category_title_in_index_re = re.compile('\*\s\[(.*)\]') link_re = re.compile('\[(.+)\]\((http.*)\)') # Type aliases APIList = List[str] Categories = Dict[str, APIList] CategoriesLineNumber = Dict[str, int] def error_message(line_number: int, message: str) -> str: line = line_number + 1 return f'(L{line:03d}) {message}' def get_categories_content(contents: List[str]) -> Tuple[Categories, CategoriesLineNumber]: categories = {} category_line_num = {} for line_num, line_content in enumerate(contents): if line_content.startswith(anchor): category = line_content.split(anchor)[1].strip() categories[category] = [] category_line_num[category] = line_num continue if not line_content.startswith('|') or line_content.startswith('|---'): continue raw_title = [ raw_content.strip() for raw_content in line_content.split('|')[1:-1] ][0] title_match = link_re.match(raw_title) if title_match: title = title_match.group(1).upper() categories[category].append(title) return (categories, category_line_num) def check_alphabetical_order(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]: err_msgs = [] categories, category_line_num = get_categories_content(contents=lines) for category, api_list in categories.items(): if sorted(api_list) != api_list: err_msg = error_message( category_line_num[category], f'{category} category is not alphabetical order' ) err_msgs.append(err_msg) return err_msgs def check_title(line_num: int, raw_title: str) -> List[str]: err_msgs = [] title_match = link_re.match(raw_title) # url should be wrapped in "[TITLE](LINK)" Markdown syntax if not title_match: err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'Title syntax should be "[TITLE](LINK)"') err_msgs.append(err_msg) else: # do not allow "... API" in the entry title title = title_match.group(1) if title.upper().endswith(' API'): err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'Title should not end with "... API". Every entry is an API here!') err_msgs.append(err_msg) return err_msgs def check_description(line_num: int, description: str) -> List[str]: err_msgs = [] first_char = description[0] if first_char.upper() != first_char: err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'first character of description is not capitalized') err_msgs.append(err_msg) last_char = description[-1] if last_char in punctuation: err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'description should not end with {last_char}') err_msgs.append(err_msg) desc_length = len(description) if desc_length > 100: err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'description should not exceed 100 characters (currently {desc_length})') err_msgs.append(err_msg) return err_msgs def check_auth(line_num: int, auth: str) -> List[str]: err_msgs = [] backtick = '`' if auth != 'No' and (not auth.startswith(backtick) or not auth.endswith(backtick)): err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'auth value is not enclosed with `backticks`') err_msgs.append(err_msg) if auth.replace(backtick, '') not in auth_keys: err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'{auth} is not a valid Auth option') err_msgs.append(err_msg) return err_msgs def check_https(line_num: int, https: str) -> List[str]: err_msgs = [] if https not in https_keys: err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'{https} is not a valid HTTPS option') err_msgs.append(err_msg) return err_msgs def check_cors(line_num: int, cors: str) -> List[str]: err_msgs = [] if cors not in cors_keys: err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'{cors} is not a valid CORS option') err_msgs.append(err_msg) return err_msgs def check_entry(line_num: int, segments: List[str]) -> List[str]: raw_title = segments[index_title] description = segments[index_desc] auth = segments[index_auth] https = segments[index_https] cors = segments[index_cors] title_err_msgs = check_title(line_num, raw_title) desc_err_msgs = check_description(line_num, description) auth_err_msgs = check_auth(line_num, auth) https_err_msgs = check_https(line_num, https) cors_err_msgs = check_cors(line_num, cors) err_msgs = [ *title_err_msgs, *desc_err_msgs, *auth_err_msgs, *https_err_msgs, *cors_err_msgs ] return err_msgs def check_file_format(filename: str) -> List[str]: err_msgs = [] category_title_in_index = [] with open(filename, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as file: lines = list(line.rstrip() for line in file) alphabetical_err_msgs = check_alphabetical_order(lines) err_msgs.extend(alphabetical_err_msgs) num_in_category = min_entries_per_section + 1 category = '' category_line = 0 for line_num, line_content in enumerate(lines): category_title_match = category_title_in_index_re.match(line_content) if category_title_match: category_title_in_index.append(category_title_match.group(1)) # check each category for the minimum number of entries if line_content.startswith(anchor): category_match = anchor_re.match(line_content) if category_match: if category_match.group(1) not in category_title_in_index: err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'category header ({category_match.group(1)}) not added to Index section') err_msgs.append(err_msg) else: err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'category header is not formatted correctly') err_msgs.append(err_msg) if num_in_category < min_entries_per_section: err_msg = error_message(category_line, f'{category} category does not have the minimum {min_entries_per_section} entries (only has {num_in_category})') err_msgs.append(err_msg) category = line_content.split(' ')[1] category_line = line_num num_in_category = 0 continue # skips lines that we do not care about if not line_content.startswith('|') or line_content.startswith('|---'): continue num_in_category += 1 segments = line_content.split('|')[1:-1] if len(segments) < num_segments: err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'entry does not have all the required sections (have {len(segments)}, need {num_segments})') err_msgs.append(err_msg) continue for segment in segments: # every line segment should start and end with exactly 1 space if len(segment) - len(segment.lstrip()) != 1 or len(segment) - len(segment.rstrip()) != 1: err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'each segment must start and end with exactly 1 space') err_msgs.append(err_msg) segments = [segment.strip() for segment in segments] entry_err_msgs = check_entry(line_num, segments) err_msgs.extend(entry_err_msgs) return err_msgs