- #!/usr/bin/env ruby
- require 'httparty'
- require 'ruby-progressbar'
- require 'uri'
- allowed_codes = [200, 302, 403, 429]
- allowed_links = ["https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3"]
- args = ARGV
- filename = args[0]
- contents = File.open(filename, 'rb') { |f| f.read }
- raw_links = URI.extract(contents, ['http', 'https'])
- # Remove trailing ')' from entry URLs
- links = []
- raw_links.each do |link|
- if link.end_with?(')')
- links.push(link[0...-1])
- else
- links.push(link)
- end
- end
- if links.length <= 0
- puts "no links to check"
- exit(0)
- end
- fails = []
- # Fail on any duplicate elements
- dup = links.select{|element| links.count(element) > 1}
- if dup.uniq.length > 0
- dup.uniq.each do |e|
- fails.push("(DUP): #{e}")
- end
- end
- # Remove any duplicates from array
- links = links.uniq
- count = 0
- total = links.length
- progressbar = ProgressBar.create(:total => total,
- :format => "%a %P% | Processed: %c from %C")
- # GET each link and check for valid response code from allowed_codes
- links.each do |link|
- begin
- count += 1
- if allowed_links.include?(link)
- next
- end
- res = HTTParty.get(link, timeout: 10)
- if res.code.nil?
- fails.push("(NIL): #{link}")
- next
- end
- if !allowed_codes.include?(res.code)
- fails.push("(#{res.code}): #{link}")
- end
- rescue Net::ReadTimeout
- fails.push("(TMO): #{link}")
- rescue Net::OpenTimeout
- fails.push("(TMO): #{link}")
- rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError
- fails.push("(SSL): #{link}")
- rescue SocketError
- fails.push("(SOK): #{link}")
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
- fails.push("(CON): #{link}")
- rescue Errno::ECONNRESET
- next
- end
- progressbar.increment
- end
- puts "#{count}/#{total} links checked"
- if fails.length <= 0
- puts "all links valid"
- exit(0)
- else
- puts "-- RESULTS --"
- fails.sort!
- fails.each do |e|
- puts e
- end
- exit(1)
- end