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added 'Pentests bookmarks collection'

- signed-off-by: trimstray <trimstray@gmail.com>
trimstray vor 5 Jahren
1 geänderte Dateien mit 7 neuen und 8 gelöschten Zeilen
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@@ -345,13 +345,6 @@ performance of any of your sites from across the globe.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href="https://tls.ulfheim.net/"><b>The Illustrated TLS Connection</b></a> - every byte of a TLS connection explained and reproduced.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Pentesting

&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href="https://brutelogic.com.br/blog/"><b>Brute XSS</b></a> - master the art of Cross Site Scripting.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href="https://www.netsparker.com/blog/web-security/sql-injection-cheat-sheet/"><b>SQL Injection Cheat Sheet</b></a> - detailed technical information about the many different variants of the SQL Injection.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Web Apps

@@ -461,10 +454,16 @@ Linux Security Expert</b></a> - trainings, howtos, checklists, security tools an

#### Hacking/Penetration Testing

##### :black_small_square: Useful Resources
##### :black_small_square: Pentests bookmarks collection

&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href="https://brutelogic.com.br/blog/"><b>Brute XSS</b></a> - master the art of Cross Site Scripting.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href="https://jivoi.github.io/2015/07/03/offensive-security-bookmarks/"><b>Offensive Security Bookmarks</b></a> - security bookmarks collection, all that things I need to pass OSCP.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href="https://github.com/coreb1t/awesome-pentest-cheat-sheets"><b>Awesome Pentest Cheat Sheets</b></a> - collection of the cheat sheets useful for pentesting.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href="https://brutelogic.com.br/blog/"><b>Pentest Bookmarks</b></a> - there are a LOT of pentesting blogs.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href="https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings"><b>PayloadsAllTheThings</b></a> - a list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href="https://highon.coffee/blog/penetration-testing-tools-cheat-sheet/"><b>Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet</b></a> - a quick reference high level overview for typical penetration testing engagements.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href="https://www.netsparker.com/blog/web-security/sql-injection-cheat-sheet/"><b>SQL Injection Cheat Sheet</b></a> - detailed technical information about the many different variants of the SQL Injection.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Bounty programs
