diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ab7c2d7..64c9c51 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ performance of any of your sites from across the globe.
  :small_orange_diamond: TecMint - the ideal Linux blog for Sysadmins & Geeks.
  :small_orange_diamond: Omnisecu - free Networking, System Administration and Security tutorials.
  :small_orange_diamond: linux-cheat - Linux tutorials and cheatsheets. Minimal examples. Mostly user-land CLI utilities.
-  :small_orange_diamond: linuxupskillchallenge - learn the skills required to sysadmin.
+  :small_orange_diamond: linuxupskillchallenge - learn the skills required to sysadmin.
  :small_orange_diamond: Unix Toolbox - Unix/Linux/BSD commands and tasks which are useful for IT work or for advanced users.
  :small_orange_diamond: Linux Kernel Teaching - is a collection of lectures and labs Linux kernel topics.
  :small_orange_diamond: htop explained - explanation of everything you can see in htop/top on Linux.