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- signed-off-by: trimstray <>
trimstray 6 months ago
1 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions
  1. +6

+ 6
- 6 View File

@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Only main chapters:
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>nnn</b></a> - is a tiny, lightning fast, feature-packed file manager.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>screen</b></a> - is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>tmux</b></a> - is a terminal multiplexer, lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>tmux-cssh</b></a> - is a tool to set comfortable and easy to use functionality, clustering and synchronizing tmux-sessions.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>tmux-cssh</b></a> - is a tool to set comfortable and easy to use functionality tmux-sessions.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Text editors
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ Only main chapters:

&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Signal</b></a> - is an encrypted communications app.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Wire</b></a> - secure messaging, file sharing, voice calls and video conferences. All protected with end-to-end encryption.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Wire</b></a> - secure messaging, file sharing, voice calls and video conferences.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>TorChat</b></a> - decentralized anonymous instant messenger on top of Tor Hidden Services.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Matrix</b></a> - an open network for secure, decentralized, real-time communication.<br>
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ performance of any of your sites from across the globe.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>zorexeye</b></a> - search for sites, images, apps, softwares & more.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Mamont's open FTP Index</b></a> - if a target has an open FTP site with accessible content it will be listed here.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>OSINT Framework</b></a> - focused on gathering information from free tools or resources.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>maltiverse</b></a> - is a service oriented to cybersecurity analysts for the advanced analysis of indicators of compromise.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>maltiverse</b></a> - is a service oriented to cybersecurity analysts.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Leaked Source</b></a> - is a collaboration of data found online in the form of a lookup.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>We Leak Info</b></a> - to help everyday individuals secure their online life, avoiding getting hacked.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>pipl</b></a> - is the place to find the person behind the email address, social username or phone number.<br>
@@ -1014,8 +1014,8 @@ performance of any of your sites from across the globe.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Let's Build a Simple Database</b></a> - writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>simple-computer</b></a> - great resource to understand how computers work under the hood.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>The story of "Have I been pwned?"</b></a> - working with 154 million records on Azure Table Storage.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>TOP500 Supercomputers</b></a> - shows the 500 most powerful commercially available computer systems known to us.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>How to build a 8 GPU password cracker</b></a> - any "black magic" or hours of frustration like desktop components do.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>TOP500 Supercomputers</b></a> - shows the 500 most powerful commercially available computer systems.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>How to build a 8 GPU password cracker</b></a> - hours of frustration like desktop components do.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>CERN Data Centre</b></a> - 3D visualizations of the CERN computing environments (and more).<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>How fucked is my database</b></a> - evaluate how fucked your database is with this handy website.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Linux Troubleshooting 101 , 2016 Edition</b></a> - everything is a DNS Problem...<br>
@@ -1246,7 +1246,7 @@ CyberTalks</b></a> - talks, interviews, and article about cybersecurity.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Sandcat Browser</b></a> - a penetration-oriented browser with plenty of advanced functionality already built in.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Metasploit</b></a> - tool and framework for pentesting system, web and many more, contains a lot a ready to use exploit.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Metasploit</b></a> - tool and framework for pentesting system, web and many more.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>Burp Suite</b></a> - tool for testing web app security, intercepting proxy to replay, inject, scan and fuzz.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>OWASP Zed Attack Proxy</b></a> - intercepting proxy to replay, inject, scan and fuzz HTTP requests.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><b>w3af</b></a> - is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework.<br>
