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@@ -126,163 +126,163 @@ Only main chapters:

&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>GNU Bash</b></a> - is an sh-compatible shell that incorporates useful features from the Korn shell and C shell.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Zsh</b></a> - is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tclsh</b></a> - is a very powerful cross-platform shell, suitable for a huge range of uses.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>bash-it</b></a> - is a framework for using, developing and maintaining shell scripts and custom commands.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Oh My ZSH!</b></a> - is the best framework for managing your Zsh configuration.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Oh My Fish</b></a> - the Fishshell framework.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Starship</b></a> - the cross-shell prompt written in Rust.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>powerlevel10k</b></a> - is a fast reimplementation of Powerlevel9k ZSH theme.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Zsh</b></a> - is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tclsh</b></a> - is a very powerful cross-platform shell, suitable for a huge range of uses.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>bash-it</b></a> - is a framework for using, developing and maintaining shell scripts and custom commands.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Oh My ZSH!</b></a> - is the best framework for managing your Zsh configuration.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Oh My Fish</b></a> - the Fishshell framework.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Starship</b></a> - the cross-shell prompt written in Rust.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>powerlevel10k</b></a> - is a fast reimplementation of Powerlevel9k ZSH theme.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Shell plugins

&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>z</b></a> - tracks the folder you use the most and allow you to jump, without having to type the whole path.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>fzf</b></a> - is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>zsh-autosuggestions</b></a> - Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>zsh-syntax-highlighting</b></a> - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Awesome ZSH Plugins</b></a> - A list of frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials for ZSH.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>z</b></a> - tracks the folder you use the most and allow you to jump, without having to type the whole path.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>fzf</b></a> - is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>zsh-autosuggestions</b></a> - Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>zsh-syntax-highlighting</b></a> - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Awesome ZSH Plugins</b></a> - A list of frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials for ZSH.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Managers

&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Midnight Commander</b></a> - is a visual file manager, licensed under GNU General Public License.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ranger</b></a> - is a VIM-inspired filemanager for the console.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>nnn</b></a> - is a tiny, lightning fast, feature-packed file manager.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>screen</b></a> - is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tmux</b></a> - is a terminal multiplexer, lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tmux-cssh</b></a> - is a tool to set comfortable and easy to use functionality, clustering and synchronizing tmux-sessions.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Midnight Commander</b></a> - is a visual file manager, licensed under GNU General Public License.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ranger</b></a> - is a VIM-inspired filemanager for the console.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>nnn</b></a> - is a tiny, lightning fast, feature-packed file manager.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>screen</b></a> - is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tmux</b></a> - is a terminal multiplexer, lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tmux-cssh</b></a> - is a tool to set comfortable and easy to use functionality, clustering and synchronizing tmux-sessions.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Text editors

&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>vi</b></a> - is one of the most common text editors on Unix.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>vim</b></a> - is a highly configurable text editor.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>emacs</b></a> - is an extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor, and more.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>micro</b></a> - is a modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>neovim</b></a> - is a free open source, powerful, extensible and usable code editor.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>spacemacs</b></a> - a community-driven Emacs distribution.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>spacevim</b></a> - a community-driven vim distribution.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>vi</b></a> - is one of the most common text editors on Unix.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>vim</b></a> - is a highly configurable text editor.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>emacs</b></a> - is an extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor, and more.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>micro</b></a> - is a modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>neovim</b></a> - is a free open source, powerful, extensible and usable code editor.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>spacemacs</b></a> - a community-driven Emacs distribution.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>spacevim</b></a> - a community-driven vim distribution.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Files and directories

&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>fd</b></a> - is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ncdu</b></a> - is an easy to use, fast disk usage analyzer.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>fd</b></a> - is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ncdu</b></a> - is an easy to use, fast disk usage analyzer.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Network

&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>PuTTY</b></a> - is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Mosh</b></a> - is a SSH wrapper designed to keep a SSH session alive over a volatile connection.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Eternal Terminal</b></a> - enables mouse-scrolling and tmux commands inside the SSH session.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>nmap</b></a> - is a free and open source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>zmap</b></a> - is a fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Rust Scan</b></a> - to find all open ports faster than Nmap.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>masscan</b></a> - is the fastest Internet port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>pbscan</b></a> - is a faster and more efficient stateless SYN scanner and banner grabber.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>hping</b></a> - is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>mtr</b></a> - is a tool that combines the functionality of the 'traceroute' and 'ping' programs in a single tool.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>mylg</b></a> - utility which combines the functions of the different network probes in one diagnostic tool.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>netcat</b></a> - utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>socat</b></a> - utility which transfers data between two objects.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tcpdump</b></a> - is a powerful command-line packet analyzer.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tshark</b></a> - is a tool that allows us to dump and analyze network traffic (wireshark cli).<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Termshark</b></a> - is a simple terminal user-interface for tshark.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ngrep</b></a> - is like GNU grep applied to the network layer.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>netsniff-ng</b></a> - is a Swiss army knife for your daily Linux network plumbing if you will.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>sockdump</b></a> - dump unix domain socket traffic.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>stenographer</b></a> - is a packet capture solution which aims to quickly spool all packets to disk.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tcpterm</b></a> - visualize packets in TUI.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>bmon</b></a> - is a monitoring and debugging tool to capture networking related statistics and prepare them visually.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>iptraf-ng</b></a> - is a console-based network monitoring program for Linux that displays information about IP traffic.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>vnstat</b></a> - is a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>iPerf3</b></a> - is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ethr</b></a> - is a Network Performance Measurement Tool for TCP, UDP & HTTP.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Etherate</b></a> - is a Linux CLI based Ethernet and MPLS traffic testing tool.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>echoip</b></a> - is a IP address lookup service.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Nemesis</b></a> - packet manipulation CLI tool; craft and inject packets of several protocols.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>packetfu</b></a> - a mid-level packet manipulation library for Ruby.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Scapy</b></a> - packet manipulation library; forge, send, decode, capture packets of a wide number of protocols.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>impacket</b></a> - is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ssh-audit</b></a> - is a tool for SSH server auditing.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>aria2</b></a> - is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>iptables-tracer</b></a> - observe the path of packets through the iptables chains.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>inception</b></a> - a highly configurable tool to check for whatever you like against any number of hosts.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>mRemoteNG</b></a> - a fork of mRemote, multi-tabbed PuTTy on steroids!<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>PuTTY</b></a> - is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Mosh</b></a> - is a SSH wrapper designed to keep a SSH session alive over a volatile connection.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Eternal Terminal</b></a> - enables mouse-scrolling and tmux commands inside the SSH session.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>nmap</b></a> - is a free and open source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>zmap</b></a> - is a fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Rust Scan</b></a> - to find all open ports faster than Nmap.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>masscan</b></a> - is the fastest Internet port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>pbscan</b></a> - is a faster and more efficient stateless SYN scanner and banner grabber.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>hping</b></a> - is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>mtr</b></a> - is a tool that combines the functionality of the 'traceroute' and 'ping' programs in a single tool.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>mylg</b></a> - utility which combines the functions of the different network probes in one diagnostic tool.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>netcat</b></a> - utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>socat</b></a> - utility which transfers data between two objects.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tcpdump</b></a> - is a powerful command-line packet analyzer.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tshark</b></a> - is a tool that allows us to dump and analyze network traffic (wireshark cli).<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Termshark</b></a> - is a simple terminal user-interface for tshark.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ngrep</b></a> - is like GNU grep applied to the network layer.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>netsniff-ng</b></a> - is a Swiss army knife for your daily Linux network plumbing if you will.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>sockdump</b></a> - dump unix domain socket traffic.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>stenographer</b></a> - is a packet capture solution which aims to quickly spool all packets to disk.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>tcpterm</b></a> - visualize packets in TUI.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>bmon</b></a> - is a monitoring and debugging tool to capture networking related statistics and prepare them visually.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>iptraf-ng</b></a> - is a console-based network monitoring program for Linux that displays information about IP traffic.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>vnstat</b></a> - is a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>iPerf3</b></a> - is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ethr</b></a> - is a Network Performance Measurement Tool for TCP, UDP & HTTP.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Etherate</b></a> - is a Linux CLI based Ethernet and MPLS traffic testing tool.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>echoip</b></a> - is a IP address lookup service.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Nemesis</b></a> - packet manipulation CLI tool; craft and inject packets of several protocols.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>packetfu</b></a> - a mid-level packet manipulation library for Ruby.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Scapy</b></a> - packet manipulation library; forge, send, decode, capture packets of a wide number of protocols.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>impacket</b></a> - is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ssh-audit</b></a> - is a tool for SSH server auditing.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>aria2</b></a> - is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>iptables-tracer</b></a> - observe the path of packets through the iptables chains.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>inception</b></a> - a highly configurable tool to check for whatever you like against any number of hosts.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>mRemoteNG</b></a> - a fork of mRemote, multi-tabbed PuTTy on steroids!<br>

##### :black_small_square: Network (DNS)

&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>dnsdiag</b></a> - is a DNS diagnostics and performance measurement tools.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>fierce</b></a> - is a DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>subfinder</b></a> - is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>sublist3r</b></a> - is a fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>amass</b></a> - is tool that obtains subdomain names by scraping data sources, crawling web archives, and more.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>namebench</b></a> - provides personalized DNS server recommendations based on your browsing history.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>massdns</b></a> - is a high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>knock</b></a> - is a tool to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a wordlist.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>dnsperf</b></a> - DNS performance testing tools.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>dnscrypt-proxy 2</b></a> - a flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>dnsdbq</b></a> - API client providing access to passive DNS database systems.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>grimd</b></a> - fast dns proxy, built to black-hole internet advertisements and malware servers.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>dnstwist</b></a> - detect typosquatters, phishing attacks, fraud, and brand impersonation.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>dnsdiag</b></a> - is a DNS diagnostics and performance measurement tools.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>fierce</b></a> - is a DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>subfinder</b></a> - is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>sublist3r</b></a> - is a fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>amass</b></a> - is tool that obtains subdomain names by scraping data sources, crawling web archives, and more.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>namebench</b></a> - provides personalized DNS server recommendations based on your browsing history.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>massdns</b></a> - is a high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>knock</b></a> - is a tool to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a wordlist.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>dnsperf</b></a> - DNS performance testing tools.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>dnscrypt-proxy 2</b></a> - a flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>dnsdbq</b></a> - API client providing access to passive DNS database systems.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>grimd</b></a> - fast dns proxy, built to black-hole internet advertisements and malware servers.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>dnstwist</b></a> - detect typosquatters, phishing attacks, fraud, and brand impersonation.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Network (HTTP)

&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>curl</b></a> - is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>kurly</b></a> - is an alternative to the widely popular curl program, written in Golang.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>HTTPie</b></a> - is an user-friendly HTTP client.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>wuzz</b></a> - is an interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>h2spec</b></a> - is a conformance testing tool for HTTP/2 implementation.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>h2t</b></a> - is a simple tool to help sysadmins to hardening their websites.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b></b></a> - is a simple Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>httpstat</b></a> - is a tool that visualizes curl statistics in a way of beauty and clarity.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>httplab</b></a> - is an interactive web server.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Lynx</b></a> - is a text browser for the World Wide Web.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Browsh</b></a> - is a fully interactive, real-time, and modern text-based browser.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>HeadlessBrowsers</b></a> - a list of (almost) all headless web browsers in existence.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ab</b></a> - is a single-threaded command line tool for measuring the performance of HTTP web servers.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>siege</b></a> - is an http load testing and benchmarking utility.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>wrk</b></a> - is a modern HTTP benchmarking tool capable of generating significant load.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>wrk2</b></a> - is a constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>vegeta</b></a> - is a constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>bombardier</b></a> - is a fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>gobench</b></a> - http/https load testing and benchmarking tool.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>hey</b></a> - HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement, formerly known as rakyll/boom.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>boom</b></a> - is a script you can use to quickly smoke-test your web app deployment.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>SlowHTTPTest</b></a> - is a tool that simulates some Application Layer Denial of Service attacks by prolonging HTTP.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>gobuster</b></a> - is a free and open source directory/file & DNS busting tool written in Go.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ssllabs-scan</b></a> - command-line reference-implementation client for SSL Labs APIs.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>http-observatory</b></a> - Mozilla HTTP Observatory cli version.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Hurl</b></a> - is a command line tool to run and test HTTP requests with plain text.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>curl</b></a> - is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>kurly</b></a> - is an alternative to the widely popular curl program, written in Golang.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>HTTPie</b></a> - is an user-friendly HTTP client.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>wuzz</b></a> - is an interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>h2spec</b></a> - is a conformance testing tool for HTTP/2 implementation.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>h2t</b></a> - is a simple tool to help sysadmins to hardening their websites.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b></b></a> - is a simple Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>httpstat</b></a> - is a tool that visualizes curl statistics in a way of beauty and clarity.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>httplab</b></a> - is an interactive web server.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Lynx</b></a> - is a text browser for the World Wide Web.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Browsh</b></a> - is a fully interactive, real-time, and modern text-based browser.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>HeadlessBrowsers</b></a> - a list of (almost) all headless web browsers in existence.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ab</b></a> - is a single-threaded command line tool for measuring the performance of HTTP web servers.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>siege</b></a> - is an http load testing and benchmarking utility.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>wrk</b></a> - is a modern HTTP benchmarking tool capable of generating significant load.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>wrk2</b></a> - is a constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>vegeta</b></a> - is a constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>bombardier</b></a> - is a fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>gobench</b></a> - http/https load testing and benchmarking tool.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>hey</b></a> - HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement, formerly known as rakyll/boom.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>boom</b></a> - is a script you can use to quickly smoke-test your web app deployment.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>SlowHTTPTest</b></a> - is a tool that simulates some Application Layer Denial of Service attacks by prolonging HTTP.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>gobuster</b></a> - is a free and open source directory/file & DNS busting tool written in Go.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ssllabs-scan</b></a> - command-line reference-implementation client for SSL Labs APIs.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>http-observatory</b></a> - Mozilla HTTP Observatory cli version.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Hurl</b></a> - is a command line tool to run and test HTTP requests with plain text.<br>

##### :black_small_square: SSL

&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>openssl</b></a> - is a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the TLS and SSL protocols.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>gnutls-cli</b></a> - client program to set up a TLS connection to some other computer.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>sslyze
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>openssl</b></a> - is a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the TLS and SSL protocols.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>gnutls-cli</b></a> - client program to set up a TLS connection to some other computer.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>sslyze
</b></a> - fast and powerful SSL/TLS server scanning library.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>sslscan</b></a> - tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b></b></a> - testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>cipherscan</b></a> - a very simple way to find out which SSL ciphersuites are supported by a target.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>spiped</b></a> - is a utility for creating symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes between socket addresses.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Certbot</b></a> - is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>mkcert</b></a> - simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>certstrap</b></a> - tools to bootstrap CAs, certificate requests, and signed certificates.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Sublert</b></a> - is a security and reconnaissance tool to automatically monitor new subdomains.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>mkchain</b></a> - open source tool to help you build a valid SSL certificate chain.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;:small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ssl-cert-check</b></a> - SSL Certification Expiration Checker.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>sslscan</b></a> - tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b></b></a> - testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>cipherscan</b></a> - a very simple way to find out which SSL ciphersuites are supported by a target.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>spiped</b></a> - is a utility for creating symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes between socket addresses.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Certbot</b></a> - is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>mkcert</b></a> - simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>certstrap</b></a> - tools to bootstrap CAs, certificate requests, and signed certificates.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>Sublert</b></a> - is a security and reconnaissance tool to automatically monitor new subdomains.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>mkchain</b></a> - open source tool to help you build a valid SSL certificate chain.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; :small_orange_diamond: <a href=""><b>ssl-cert-check</b></a> - SSL Certification Expiration Checker.<br>

##### :black_small_square: Security
