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76 lines
928 B

  1. " au BufWritePost * :set nobinary | set eol
  2. autocmd FileType * setlocal eol nobinary fileformats="unix,mac,dos"
  3. set pastetoggle=<F6>
  4. set history=256
  5. filetype plugin on
  6. set autoread
  7. set so=7
  8. set wildmenu
  9. set wildignore=*.o,*~,*.pyc
  10. set cmdheight=2
  11. set hid
  12. set backspace=eol,start,indent
  13. set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l
  14. set ignorecase
  15. set smartcase
  16. set hlsearch
  17. set incsearch
  18. set lazyredraw
  19. set magic
  20. set number
  21. set showmatch
  22. set mat=2
  23. set noerrorbells
  24. set novisualbell
  25. set t_vb=
  26. set tm=500
  27. syntax enable
  28. colorscheme desert
  29. set background=dark
  30. if has("gui_running")
  31. set guioptions-=T
  32. set guioptions+=e
  33. set t_Co=256
  34. set guitablabel=%M\ %t
  35. endif
  36. set encoding=utf8
  37. set ffs=unix,dos,mac
  38. set expandtab
  39. set smarttab
  40. set shiftwidth=2
  41. set tabstop=2
  42. set lbr
  43. set tw=500
  44. set ai "Auto indent
  45. set si "Smart indent
  46. set wrap "Wrap lines
  47. set linebreak
  48. set showbreak=>\ \ \
  49. set laststatus=2
  50. map <Esc><Esc> :wq!<CR>