選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
trimstray 60cbc60640 updated README.md 5年前
doc resized ana preview 5年前
lib init commit 5年前
skel init commit 5年前
src init commit 5年前
.gitignore init commit 5年前
.travis.yml init commit 5年前
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md added code of conduct 5年前
CONTRIBUTING.md init commit 5年前
LICENSE.md init commit 5年前
README.md updated README.md 5年前
ana.conf init commit 5年前
awesome-ninja-admins init commit 5年前
install init commit 5年前



A collection of awesome lists, manuals, hacks and tools for Awesome Ninja Admins.

Branch Awesome License

Created by trimstray and contributors

Who is Ninja Admin?

  • race of pure evil who rule the network through a monarchistic feudelic system
  • they never opened the door for strangers (or anyone at all)
  • they know very nasty piece of code like a fork bombs
  • they can make dd is not a disk destroyer
  • they are total badasses
  • they know that #!/usr/bin/env bash superior to #!/bin/bash
  • they love the old admin nix-world school

Ninja Admin Collections


  🔸 Oh My ZSH! - the best framework for managing your Zsh configuration.
  🔸 bash-it - a community Bash framework.
  🔸 HTTPie - A user-friendly HTTP client.



‼️ This documentation is incomplete and constantly developed.