Переглянути джерело

Merge pull request #2 from public-apis/master

merged master into fork
XzaR90 1 рік тому
committed by GitHub
Не вдалося знайти GPG ключ що відповідає даному підпису Ідентифікатор GPG ключа: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
26 змінених файлів з 2521 додано та 578 видалено
  1. +2
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+ 2
- 1
.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md Переглянути файл

@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
<!-- Thank you for taking the time to work on a Pull Request for this project! -->
<!-- To ensure your PR is dealt with swiftly please check the following: -->
- [ ] My submission is formatted according to the guidelines in the [contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.md)
- [ ] My submission is formatted according to the guidelines in the [contributing guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- [ ] My addition is ordered alphabetically
- [ ] My submission has a useful description
- [ ] The description does not have more than 100 characters
- [ ] The description does not end with punctuation
- [ ] Each table column is padded with one space on either side
- [ ] I have searched the repository for any relevant issues or pull requests

.github/assets/sponsors_logo/m3o_logo_black.png Переглянути файл

Перед Після
Ширина: 250  |  Висота: 160  |  Розмір: 4.6 KiB

.github/assets/sponsors_logo/m3o_logo_white.png Переглянути файл

Перед Після
Ширина: 250  |  Висота: 160  |  Розмір: 4.8 KiB

.github/cs1586-APILayerLogoUpdate2022-LJ_v2-HighRes.png Переглянути файл

Перед Після
Ширина: 1251  |  Висота: 241  |  Розмір: 14 KiB

+ 0
- 29
.github/workflows/test.yml Переглянути файл

@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
name: "Run tests"

- cron: '0 0 * * *'
- master
- master


name: 'Validate README.md'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2

- name: Validate Markdown format
run: build/validate_format.py ${FORMAT_FILE}

- name: Validate pull request changes
run: build/github-pull.sh ${{ github.repository }} ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} ${FORMAT_FILE}
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'

+ 37
- 0
.github/workflows/test_of_push_and_pull.yml Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
name: "Tests of push & pull"

branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]


name: 'Validate README.md changes'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2

- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.8'

- name: Install dependencies
run: python -m pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt

- name: Validate Markdown format
run: python scripts/validate/format.py ${FILENAME}

- name: Validate pull request changes
run: scripts/github_pull_request.sh ${{ github.repository }} ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} ${FILENAME}
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'

- name: Checking if push changes are duplicated
run: python scripts/validate/links.py ${FILENAME} --only_duplicate_links_checker
if: github.event_name == 'push'

+ 29
- 0
.github/workflows/test_of_validate_package.yml Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
name: "Tests of validate package"

branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]

name: 'Run tests of validate package'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2

- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.8'
- name: Install dependencies
run: python -m pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt

- name: Run Unittest
run: |
cd scripts
python -m unittest discover tests/ --verbose

+ 13
- 7
.github/workflows/validate_links.yml Переглянути файл

@@ -1,22 +1,28 @@
name: "Validate links"

- cron: '0 0 * * *'
- master


name: 'Validate links'
name: 'Check all links are working'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2

- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.8'

- name: Install dependencies
run: python -m pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt

- name: Validate all links from README.md
run: build/validate_links.py ${FORMAT_FILE}
run: python scripts/validate/links.py ${FILENAME}

+ 130
- 0
.gitignore Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files

# C extensions

# Distribution / packaging

# PyInstaller
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.

# Installer logs

# Unit test / coverage reports

# Translations

# Django stuff:

# Flask stuff:

# Scrapy stuff:

# Sphinx documentation

# PyBuilder

# Jupyter Notebook

# IPython

# pyenv

# pipenv
# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
# install all needed dependencies.

# PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow

# Celery stuff

# SageMath parsed files

# Environments

# Spyder project settings

# Rope project settings

# mkdocs documentation

# mypy

# Pyre type checker

+ 0
- 15
.travis.yml Переглянути файл

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
language: python
python: "3.6"
email: true
- pip install -r build/requirements.txt
# stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
- flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics
# exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
- flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
- cd build
- ./main.sh

+ 22
- 10
CONTRIBUTING.md Переглянути файл

@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Contributing to public-apis

> While the masses of pull requests and community involvement is appreciated, some pull requests have been specifically
> While the masses of pull requests and community involvement are appreciated, some pull requests have been specifically
opened to market company APIs that offer paid solutions. This API list is not a marketing tool, but a tool to help the
community build applications and use free, public APIs quickly and easily. Pull requests that are identified as marketing attempts will not be accepted.
> Please make sure the API you want to add has a full free access or at least a free tier before submitting.
> Please make sure the API you want to add has full, free access or at least a free tier and does not depend on the purchase of a device/service before submitting. An example that would be rejected is an API that is used to control a smart outlet - the API is free, but you must purchase the smart device.
> Thanks for understanding! :)

@@ -38,13 +38,26 @@ Example entry:

_Without proper [CORS configuration](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) an API will only be usable server side._

Please continue to follow the alphabetical ordering that is in place per section. Each table column should be padded with one space on either side.
After you've created a branch on your fork with your changes, it's time to [make a pull request][pr-link].

If an API seems to fall into multiple categories, please place the listing within the section most in line with the services offered through the API. For example, the Instagram API is listed under `Social` since it is mainly a social network, even though it could also apply to `Photography`.
*Please follow the guidelines given below while making a Pull Request to the Public APIs*

## Pull Request
## Pull Request Guidelines

After you've created a branch on your fork with your changes, it's time to [make a pull request][pr-link]!
* Never put an update/new version of an API that is already listed, the old version of the API gets deprecated.
* Continue to follow the alphabetical ordering that is in place per section.
* Each table column should be padded with one space on either side.
* The Description should not exceed 100 characters.
* If an API seems to fall into multiple categories, please place the listing within the section most in line with the services offered through the API. For example, the Instagram API is listed under `Social` since it is mainly a social network, even though it could also apply to `Photography`.
* Add one link per Pull Request.
* Make sure the PR title is in the format of `Add Api-name API` *for e.g.*: `Add Blockchain API`
* Use a short descriptive commit message. *for e.g.*: ❌`Update Readme.md` ✔ `Add Blockchain API to Cryptocurrency`
* Search previous Pull Requests or Issues before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
* Don't mention the TLD(Top Level Domain) in the name of the API. *for e.g.*: ❌Gmail.com ✔Gmail
* Please make sure the API name does not end with `API`. *for e.g.*: ❌Gmail API ✔Gmail
* Please make sure the API has proper documentation.
* Please make sure you squash all commits together before opening a pull request. If your pull request requires changes upon review, please be sure to squash all additional commits as well. [This wiki page][squash-link] outlines the squash process.
* Target your Pull Request to the `master` branch of the `public-apis`

Once you’ve submitted a pull request, the collaborators can review your proposed changes and decide whether or not to incorporate (pull in) your changes.

@@ -57,7 +70,6 @@ merge conflicts will be less likely. See more detailed instructions [here][synci
* Create a [branch][branch-link] for your edits.
* Contribute in the style of the project as outlined above. This makes it easier for the collaborators to merge
and for others to understand and maintain in the future.
* Please make sure you squash all commits together before opening a pull request. If your pull request requires changes upon review, please be sure to squash all additional commits as well. [This wiki page][squash-link] outlines the squash process.

### Open Pull Requests

@@ -67,11 +79,11 @@ Other contributors and users may chime in, but ultimately the decision is made b

During the discussion, you may be asked to make some changes to your pull request.

If so, add more commits to your branch and push them – they will automatically go into the existing pull request!
If so, add more commits to your branch and push them – they will automatically go into the existing pull request. But don't forget to squash them.

Opening a pull request will trigger a Travis CI build to check the validity of all links in the project. After the build completes, **please ensure that the build has passed**. If the build did not pass, please view the Travis CI log and correct any errors that were found in your contribution.
Opening a pull request will trigger a build to check the validity of all links in the project. After the build completes, **please ensure that the build has passed**. If the build did not pass, please view the build logs and correct any errors that were found in your contribution.

Thanks for being a part of this project, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!
*Thanks for being a part of this project, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!*

[branch-link]: <http://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/>
[clone-link]: <https://help.github.com/articles/cloning-a-repository/>

+ 1
- 1
LICENSE Переглянути файл

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 public-apis
Copyright (c) 2022 public-apis

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

+ 1006
- 206
Різницю між файлами не показано, бо вона завелика
Переглянути файл

+ 0
- 35
build/main.sh Переглянути файл

@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@

echo "running format validation..."
./validate_format.py $FORMAT_FILE
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "format validation failed!"
exit 1
echo "format validation passed!"
if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then
echo "running on $TRAVIS_BRANCH branch - skipping Pull Request logic"
exit 0

echo "running on Pull Request #$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST"
curl $DIFF_URL > diff.txt
echo "------- BEGIN DIFF -------"
cat diff.txt
echo "-------- END DIFF --------"
cat diff.txt | egrep "\+" > additions.txt
echo "------ BEGIN ADDITIONS -----"
cat additions.txt
echo "------- END ADDITIONS ------"

echo "running link validation..."
./validate_links.py $LINK_FILE
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "link validation failed!"
exit 1
echo "link validation passed!"

+ 0
- 2
build/requirements.txt Переглянути файл

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

+ 0
- 168
build/validate_format.py Переглянути файл

@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import re
import sys

anchor = '###'
min_entries_per_section = 3
auth_keys = ['apiKey', 'OAuth', 'X-Mashape-Key', 'No', 'User-Agent']
punctuation = ['.', '?', '!']
https_keys = ['Yes', 'No']
cors_keys = ['Yes', 'No', 'Unknown']

index_title = 0
index_desc = 1
index_auth = 2
index_https = 3
index_cors = 4
index_link = 5
num_segments = 5

errors = []
title_links = []
anchor_re = re.compile(anchor + '\s(.+)')
section_title_re = re.compile('\*\s\[(.*)\]')
link_re = re.compile('\[(.+)\]\((http.*)\)')

def add_error(line_num, message):
"""adds an error to the dynamic error list"""
err = '(L{:03d}) {}'.format(line_num + 1, message)

def check_alphabetical(lines):
checks if all entries per section are in alphabetical order based in entry title
sections = {}
section_line_num = {}
for line_num, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith(anchor):
category = line.split(anchor)[1].strip()
sections[category] = []
section_line_num[category] = line_num
if not line.startswith('|') or line.startswith('|---'):
raw_title = [x.strip() for x in line.split('|')[1:-1]][0]
title_re_match = link_re.match(raw_title)
if title_re_match:

for category, entries in sections.items():
if sorted(entries) != entries:
add_error(section_line_num[category], "{} section is not in alphabetical order".format(category))

def check_entry(line_num, segments):
# START Title
raw_title = segments[index_title]
title_re_match = link_re.match(raw_title)
# url should be wrapped in '[TITLE](LINK)' Markdown syntax
if not title_re_match:
add_error(line_num, 'Title syntax should be "[TITLE](LINK)"')
# do not allow "... API" in the entry title
title = title_re_match.group(1)
if title.upper().endswith(' API'):
add_error(line_num, 'Title should not end with "... API". Every entry is an API here!')
# END Title
# START Description
# first character should be capitalized
char = segments[index_desc][0]
if char.upper() != char:
add_error(line_num, "first character of description is not capitalized")
# last character should not punctuation
char = segments[index_desc][-1]
if char in punctuation:
add_error(line_num, "description should not end with {}".format(char))
desc_length = len(segments[index_desc])
if desc_length > 100:
add_error(line_num, "description should not exceed 100 characters (currently {})".format(desc_length))
# END Description
# START Auth
# values should conform to valid options only
auth = segments[index_auth]
if auth != 'No' and (not auth.startswith('`') or not auth.endswith('`')):
add_error(line_num, "auth value is not enclosed with `backticks`")
if auth.replace('`', '') not in auth_keys:
add_error(line_num, "{} is not a valid Auth option".format(auth))
# END Auth
# values should conform to valid options only
https = segments[index_https]
if https not in https_keys:
add_error(line_num, "{} is not a valid HTTPS option".format(https))
# values should conform to valid options only
cors = segments[index_cors]
if cors not in cors_keys:
add_error(line_num, "{} is not a valid CORS option".format(cors))

def check_format(filename):
validates that each line is formatted correctly,
appending to error list as needed
with open(filename) as fp:
lines = list(line.rstrip() for line in fp)
# START Check Entries
num_in_category = min_entries_per_section + 1
category = ""
category_line = 0
for line_num, line in enumerate(lines):
if section_title_re.match(line):
# check each section for the minimum number of entries
if line.startswith(anchor):
match = anchor_re.match(line)
if match:
if match.group(1) not in title_links:
add_error(line_num, "section header ({}) not added as a title link".format(match.group(1)))
add_error(line_num, "section header is not formatted correctly")
if num_in_category < min_entries_per_section:
add_error(category_line, "{} section does not have the minimum {} entries (only has {})".format(
category, min_entries_per_section, num_in_category))
category = line.split(' ')[1]
category_line = line_num
num_in_category = 0
# skips lines that we do not care about
if not line.startswith('|') or line.startswith('|---'):
num_in_category += 1
segments = line.split('|')[1:-1]
if len(segments) < num_segments:
add_error(line_num, "entry does not have all the required sections (have {}, need {})".format(
len(segments), num_segments))
# START Global
for segment in segments:
# every line segment should start and end with exactly 1 space
if len(segment) - len(segment.lstrip()) != 1 or len(segment) - len(segment.rstrip()) != 1:
add_error(line_num, "each segment must start and end with exactly 1 space")
# END Global
segments = [seg.strip() for seg in segments]
check_entry(line_num, segments)
# END Check Entries

def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("No file passed (file should contain Markdown table syntax)")
if len(errors) > 0:
for err in errors:

if __name__ == "__main__":

+ 0
- 96
build/validate_links.py Переглянути файл

@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import httplib2
import re
import socket
import sys

ignored_links = [

def parse_links(filename):
"""Returns a list of URLs from text file"""
with open(filename) as fp:
data = fp.read()
raw_links = re.findall(
links = [raw_link[0] for raw_link in raw_links]
return links

def dup_links(links):
"""Check for duplicated links"""
print(f'Checking for duplicated links...')
hasError = False
seen = {}
dupes = []

for link in links:
link = link.rstrip('/')
if link in ignored_links:

if link not in seen:
seen[link] = 1
if seen[link] == 1:

if not dupes:
print(f"No duplicate links")
print(f"Found duplicate links: {dupes}")
hasError = True
return hasError

def validate_links(links):
"""Checks each entry in JSON file for live link"""
print(f'Validating {len(links)} links...')
hasError = False
for link in links:
h = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True, timeout=25)
resp = h.request(link, headers={
# Faking user agent as some hosting services block not-whitelisted UA
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'
code = int(resp[0]['status'])
# Checking status code errors
if (code >= 300):
hasError = True
print(f"ERR:CLT:{code} : {link}")
except TimeoutError:
hasError = True
print(f"ERR:TMO: {link}")
except socket.error as socketerror:
hasError = True
print(f"ERR:SOC: {socketerror} : {link}")
except Exception as e:
hasError = True
# Ignore some exceptions which are not actually errors.
# The list below should be extended with other exceptions in the future if needed
if (-1 != str(e).find("[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:852)")):
print(f"ERR:SSL: {e} : {link}")
elif (-1 != str(e).find("Content purported to be compressed with gzip but failed to decompress.")):
print(f"ERR:GZP: {e} : {link}")
elif (-1 != str(e).find("Unable to find the server at")):
print(f"ERR:SRV: {e} : {link}")
print(f"ERR:UKN: {e} : {link}")
return hasError

if __name__ == "__main__":
num_args = len(sys.argv)
if num_args < 2:
print("No .md file passed")
links = parse_links(sys.argv[1])
hasError = dup_links(links)
if not hasError:
hasError = validate_links(links)
if hasError:

+ 75
- 0
scripts/README.md Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# Public APIs Scripts

This directory contains all validation and testing scripts used by Public APIs.

│ github_pull_request.sh # used to validate changes of a pull request
│ requirements.txt # contains dependencies of validate package
├───tests # contains all unit tests from the validate package
│ test_validate_format.py
│ test_validate_links.py
└───validate # validate package

## Install dependencies

You must have [python](https://www.python.org/) installed to use these scripts.

it is also necessary to install the validation package dependencies, use [pip package manager](https://pypi.org/project/pip/) for this:

$ python -m pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt

## Run validations

To run format validation on the `README.md` file, being in the root directory of public-apis, run:

$ python scripts/validate/format.py README.md

To run link validation on the `README.md` file, being in the root directory of public-apis, run:

$ python scripts/validate/links.py README.md

As there are many links to check, this process can take some time. If your goal is not to check if the links are working, you can only check for duplicate links. Run:

$ python scripts/validate/links.py README.md -odlc

*`-odlc` is an abbreviation of `--only_duplicate_links_checker`*

## Running Tests

To run all tests it is necessary to change to the scripts directory:

$ cd scripts

then run:

$ python -m unittest discover tests/ --verbose

To run only the format tests, run:

$ python -m unittest discover tests/ --verbose --pattern "test_validate_format.py"

To run only the links tests, run:

$ python -m unittest discover tests/ --verbose --pattern "test_validate_links.py"

build/github-pull.sh → scripts/github_pull_request.sh Переглянути файл

@@ -4,20 +4,20 @@ set -e

# Argument validation
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <github-repo> <pull-number> <format-file>"
echo "Usage: $0 <github-repo> <pull-number> <filename>"
exit 1

# Assign variables

# Move to root of project

# Determine files
FORMAT_FILE="$( realpath "${FORMAT_FILE}" )"
FILENAME="$( realpath "${FILENAME}" )"

# Skip if build number could not be determined
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ echo "running on Pull Request #$GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST"
# Trick the URL validator python script into not seeing this as a URL
curl -L -o diff.txt "$DIFF_URL"
curl -L "$DIFF_URL" -o diff.txt

# Construct diff
echo "------- BEGIN DIFF -------"
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ echo "------- END ADDITIONS ------"

# Validate links
echo "Running link validation..."
./build/validate_links.py "$LINK_FILE"
echo "Running link validation on additions..."
python scripts/validate/links.py "$LINK_FILE"

# Vebosity
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo "link validation failed!"
echo "link validation failed on additions!"
exit 1
echo "link validation passed!"
echo "link validation passed on additions!"

+ 5
- 0
scripts/requirements.txt Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

+ 1
- 0
scripts/tests/__init__.py Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

+ 466
- 0
scripts/tests/test_validate_format.py Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import unittest

from validate.format import error_message
from validate.format import get_categories_content
from validate.format import check_alphabetical_order
from validate.format import check_title
from validate.format import check_description, max_description_length
from validate.format import check_auth, auth_keys
from validate.format import check_https, https_keys
from validate.format import check_cors, cors_keys
from validate.format import check_entry
from validate.format import check_file_format, min_entries_per_category, num_segments

class TestValidadeFormat(unittest.TestCase):
def test_error_message_return_and_return_type(self):
line_num_unity = 1
line_num_ten = 10
line_num_hundred = 100
line_num_thousand = 1000

msg = 'This is a unit test'

err_msg_unity = error_message(line_num_unity, msg)
err_msg_ten = error_message(line_num_ten, msg)
err_msg_hundred = error_message(line_num_hundred, msg)
err_msg_thousand = error_message(line_num_thousand, msg)

self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_unity, str)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_ten, str)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_hundred, str)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_thousand, str)

self.assertEqual(err_msg_unity, '(L002) This is a unit test')
self.assertEqual(err_msg_ten, '(L011) This is a unit test')
self.assertEqual(err_msg_hundred, '(L101) This is a unit test')
self.assertEqual(err_msg_thousand, '(L1001) This is a unit test')

def test_if_get_categories_content_return_correct_data_of_categories(self):
fake_contents = [
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'### B',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [BA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [BB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |'

result = get_categories_content(fake_contents)
self.assertIsInstance(result, tuple)

categories, category_line_num = result
self.assertIsInstance(categories, dict)
self.assertIsInstance(category_line_num, dict)

expected_result = ({'A': ['AA', 'AB'], 'B': ['BA', 'BB']}, {'A': 0, 'B': 6})

for res, ex_res in zip(result, expected_result):

with self.subTest():
self.assertEqual(res, ex_res)

def test_if_check_alphabetical_order_return_correct_msg_error(self):
correct_lines = [
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'### B',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [BA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [BB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |'

incorrect_lines = [
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'### B',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [BB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [BA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |'

err_msgs_1 = check_alphabetical_order(correct_lines)
err_msgs_2 = check_alphabetical_order(incorrect_lines)

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs_1, list)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs_2, list)

self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs_1), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs_2), 2)

expected_err_msgs = [
'(L001) A category is not alphabetical order',
'(L007) B category is not alphabetical order'

for err_msg, ex_err_msg in zip(err_msgs_2, expected_err_msgs):

with self.subTest():
self.assertEqual(err_msg, ex_err_msg)
def test_check_title_with_correct_title(self):
raw_title = '[A](https://www.ex.com)'

err_msgs = check_title(0, raw_title)

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])

def test_check_title_with_markdown_syntax_incorrect(self):
raw_title = '[A(https://www.ex.com)'

err_msgs = check_title(0, raw_title)

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = '(L001) Title syntax should be "[TITLE](LINK)"'

self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_title_with_api_at_the_end_of_the_title(self):
raw_title = '[A API](https://www.ex.com)'

err_msgs = check_title(0, raw_title)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = '(L001) Title should not end with "... API". Every entry is an API here!'

self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_description_with_correct_description(self):
desc = 'This is a fake description'

err_msgs = check_description(0, desc)

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])
def test_check_description_with_first_char_is_not_capitalized(self):
desc = 'this is a fake description'

err_msgs = check_description(0, desc)

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = '(L001) first character of description is not capitalized'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)
def test_check_description_with_punctuation_in_the_end(self):
base_desc = 'This is a fake description'
punctuation = r"""!"#$%&'*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~"""
desc_with_punc = [base_desc + punc for punc in punctuation]
for desc in desc_with_punc:

with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_description(0, desc)

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = f'(L001) description should not end with {desc[-1]}'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_description_that_exceeds_the_character_limit(self):
long_desc = 'Desc' * max_description_length
long_desc_length = len(long_desc)

err_msgs = check_description(0, long_desc)

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)

err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = f'(L001) description should not exceed {max_description_length} characters (currently {long_desc_length})'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_auth_with_valid_auth(self):
auth_valid = [f'`{auth}`' for auth in auth_keys if auth != 'No']

for auth in auth_valid:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_auth(0, auth)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])

def test_check_auth_without_backtick(self):
auth_without_backtick = [auth for auth in auth_keys if auth != 'No']

for auth in auth_without_backtick:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_auth(0, auth)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)

err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = '(L001) auth value is not enclosed with `backticks`'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_auth_with_invalid_auth(self):
auth_invalid_without_backtick = ['Yes', 'yes', 'no', 'random', 'Unknown']
auth_invalid_with_backtick = ['`Yes`', '`yes`', '`no`', '`random`', '`Unknown`']

for auth in auth_invalid_without_backtick:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_auth(0, auth)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 2)

err_msg_1 = err_msgs[0]
err_msg_2 = err_msgs[1]

expected_err_msg_1 = f'(L001) auth value is not enclosed with `backticks`'
expected_err_msg_2 = f'(L001) {auth} is not a valid Auth option'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_1, str)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg_2, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg_1, expected_err_msg_1)
self.assertEqual(err_msg_2, expected_err_msg_2)

for auth in auth_invalid_with_backtick:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_auth(0, auth)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)

err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = f'(L001) {auth} is not a valid Auth option'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_https_with_valid_https(self):
for https in https_keys:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_https(0, https)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])

def test_check_https_with_invalid_https(self):
invalid_https_keys = ['yes', 'no', 'Unknown', 'https', 'http']

for https in invalid_https_keys:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_https(0, https)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)

err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = f'(L001) {https} is not a valid HTTPS option'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_cors_with_valid_cors(self):
for cors in cors_keys:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_cors(0, cors)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])

def test_check_cors_with_invalid_cors(self):
invalid_cors_keys = ['yes', 'no', 'unknown', 'cors']

for cors in invalid_cors_keys:
with self.subTest():
err_msgs = check_cors(0, cors)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)

err_msg = err_msgs[0]
expected_err_msg = f'(L001) {cors} is not a valid CORS option'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_entry_with_correct_segments(self):
correct_segments = ['[A](https://www.ex.com)', 'Desc', '`apiKey`', 'Yes', 'Yes']

err_msgs = check_entry(0, correct_segments)
self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])

def test_check_entry_with_incorrect_segments(self):
incorrect_segments = ['[A API](https://www.ex.com)', 'desc.', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes']

err_msgs = check_entry(0, incorrect_segments)
expected_err_msgs = [
'(L001) Title should not end with "... API". Every entry is an API here!',
'(L001) first character of description is not capitalized',
'(L001) description should not end with .',
'(L001) auth value is not enclosed with `backticks`',
'(L001) yes is not a valid Auth option',
'(L001) yes is not a valid HTTPS option',
'(L001) yes is not a valid CORS option'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 7)
for err_msg in err_msgs:
with self.subTest():
self.assertIsInstance(err_msg, str)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, expected_err_msgs)

def test_check_file_format_with_correct_format(self):
correct_format = [
'## Index',
'* [A](#a)',
'* [B](#b)',
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AC](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'### B',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [BA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [BB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [BC](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |'

err_msgs = check_file_format(lines=correct_format)

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 0)
self.assertEqual(err_msgs, [])

def test_check_file_format_with_category_header_not_added_to_index(self):
incorrect_format = [
'## Index',
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AC](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',

err_msgs = check_file_format(lines=incorrect_format)
expected_err_msg = '(L003) category header (A) not added to Index section'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_file_format_with_category_without_min_entries(self):
incorrect_format = [
'## Index',
'* [A](#a)',
'* [B](#b)',
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'### B',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [BA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [BB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [BC](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |'

category_with_err = 'A'
num_in_category = 1

err_msgs = check_file_format(lines=incorrect_format)
expected_err_msg = f'(L005) {category_with_err} category does not have the minimum {min_entries_per_category} entries (only has {num_in_category})'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_file_format_entry_without_all_necessary_columns(self):
incorrect_format = [
'## Index',
'* [A](#a)',
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` |', # missing https and cors
'| [AC](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',

current_segments_num = 3

err_msgs = check_file_format(lines=incorrect_format)
expected_err_msg = f'(L008) entry does not have all the required columns (have {current_segments_num}, need {num_segments})'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

def test_check_file_format_without_1_space_between_the_segments(self):
incorrect_format = [
'## Index',
'* [A](#a)',
'### A',
'API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |',
'| [AA](https://www.ex.com) | Desc |`apiKey`| Yes | Yes |', # space between segment of auth column missing
'| [AB](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',
'| [AC](https://www.ex.com) | Desc | `apiKey` | Yes | Yes |',

err_msgs = check_file_format(lines=incorrect_format)
expected_err_msg = f'(L007) each segment must start and end with exactly 1 space'

self.assertIsInstance(err_msgs, list)
self.assertEqual(len(err_msgs), 1)
err_msg = err_msgs[0]
self.assertEqual(err_msg, expected_err_msg)

+ 172
- 0
scripts/tests/test_validate_links.py Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import unittest

from validate.links import find_links_in_text
from validate.links import check_duplicate_links
from validate.links import fake_user_agent
from validate.links import get_host_from_link
from validate.links import has_cloudflare_protection

class FakeResponse():
def __init__(self, code: int, headers: dict, text: str) -> None:
self.status_code = code
self.headers = headers
self.text = text

class TestValidateLinks(unittest.TestCase):

def setUp(self):
self.duplicate_links = [
self.no_duplicate_links = [

self.code_200 = 200
self.code_403 = 403
self.code_503 = 503

self.cloudflare_headers = {'Server': 'cloudflare'}
self.no_cloudflare_headers = {'Server': 'google'}

self.text_with_cloudflare_flags = '403 Forbidden Cloudflare We are checking your browser...'
self.text_without_cloudflare_flags = 'Lorem Ipsum'

def test_find_link_in_text(self):
text = """
# this is valid

lorem ipsum https://www.example.com?param1=1&param2=2#anchor
https://www.example.com?param1=1&param2=2#anchor lorem ipsum

# this not is valid


links = find_links_in_text(text)

self.assertIsInstance(links, list)
self.assertEqual(len(links), 7)

for link in links:
with self.subTest():
self.assertIsInstance(link, str)

def test_find_link_in_text_with_invalid_argument(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

def test_if_check_duplicate_links_has_the_correct_return(self):
result_1 = check_duplicate_links(self.duplicate_links)
result_2 = check_duplicate_links(self.no_duplicate_links)

self.assertIsInstance(result_1, tuple)
self.assertIsInstance(result_2, tuple)

has_duplicate_links, links = result_1
no_duplicate_links, no_links = result_2


self.assertIsInstance(links, list)
self.assertIsInstance(no_links, list)

self.assertEqual(len(links), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(no_links), 0)

def test_if_fake_user_agent_has_a_str_as_return(self):
user_agent = fake_user_agent()
self.assertIsInstance(user_agent, str)

def test_get_host_from_link(self):
links = [

for link in links:
host = get_host_from_link(link)

with self.subTest():
self.assertIsInstance(host, str)

self.assertNotIn('://', host)
self.assertNotIn('/', host)
self.assertNotIn('?', host)
self.assertNotIn('#', host)

with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

def test_has_cloudflare_protection_with_code_403_and_503_in_response(self):
resp_with_cloudflare_protection_code_403 = FakeResponse(

resp_with_cloudflare_protection_code_503 = FakeResponse(

result1 = has_cloudflare_protection(resp_with_cloudflare_protection_code_403)
result2 = has_cloudflare_protection(resp_with_cloudflare_protection_code_503)


def test_has_cloudflare_protection_when_there_is_no_protection(self):
resp_without_cloudflare_protection1 = FakeResponse(

resp_without_cloudflare_protection2 = FakeResponse(

resp_without_cloudflare_protection3 = FakeResponse(

result1 = has_cloudflare_protection(resp_without_cloudflare_protection1)
result2 = has_cloudflare_protection(resp_without_cloudflare_protection2)
result3 = has_cloudflare_protection(resp_without_cloudflare_protection3)


+ 4
- 0
scripts/validate/__init__.py Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from validate import format
from validate import links

+ 277
- 0
scripts/validate/format.py Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re
import sys
from string import punctuation
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict

# Temporary replacement
# The descriptions that contain () at the end must adapt to the new policy later
punctuation = punctuation.replace('()', '')

anchor = '###'
auth_keys = ['apiKey', 'OAuth', 'X-Mashape-Key', 'User-Agent', 'No']
https_keys = ['Yes', 'No']
cors_keys = ['Yes', 'No', 'Unknown']

index_title = 0
index_desc = 1
index_auth = 2
index_https = 3
index_cors = 4

num_segments = 5
min_entries_per_category = 3
max_description_length = 100

anchor_re = re.compile(anchor + '\s(.+)')
category_title_in_index_re = re.compile('\*\s\[(.*)\]')
link_re = re.compile('\[(.+)\]\((http.*)\)')

# Type aliases
APIList = List[str]
Categories = Dict[str, APIList]
CategoriesLineNumber = Dict[str, int]

def error_message(line_number: int, message: str) -> str:
line = line_number + 1
return f'(L{line:03d}) {message}'

def get_categories_content(contents: List[str]) -> Tuple[Categories, CategoriesLineNumber]:

categories = {}
category_line_num = {}

for line_num, line_content in enumerate(contents):

if line_content.startswith(anchor):
category = line_content.split(anchor)[1].strip()
categories[category] = []
category_line_num[category] = line_num

if not line_content.startswith('|') or line_content.startswith('|---'):

raw_title = [
raw_content.strip() for raw_content in line_content.split('|')[1:-1]

title_match = link_re.match(raw_title)
if title_match:
title = title_match.group(1).upper()

return (categories, category_line_num)

def check_alphabetical_order(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:

err_msgs = []

categories, category_line_num = get_categories_content(contents=lines)

for category, api_list in categories.items():
if sorted(api_list) != api_list:
err_msg = error_message(
f'{category} category is not alphabetical order'
return err_msgs

def check_title(line_num: int, raw_title: str) -> List[str]:

err_msgs = []

title_match = link_re.match(raw_title)

# url should be wrapped in "[TITLE](LINK)" Markdown syntax
if not title_match:
err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'Title syntax should be "[TITLE](LINK)"')
# do not allow "... API" in the entry title
title = title_match.group(1)
if title.upper().endswith(' API'):
err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'Title should not end with "... API". Every entry is an API here!')

return err_msgs

def check_description(line_num: int, description: str) -> List[str]:

err_msgs = []

first_char = description[0]
if first_char.upper() != first_char:
err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'first character of description is not capitalized')

last_char = description[-1]
if last_char in punctuation:
err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'description should not end with {last_char}')

desc_length = len(description)
if desc_length > max_description_length:
err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'description should not exceed {max_description_length} characters (currently {desc_length})')
return err_msgs

def check_auth(line_num: int, auth: str) -> List[str]:

err_msgs = []

backtick = '`'
if auth != 'No' and (not auth.startswith(backtick) or not auth.endswith(backtick)):
err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'auth value is not enclosed with `backticks`')

if auth.replace(backtick, '') not in auth_keys:
err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'{auth} is not a valid Auth option')
return err_msgs

def check_https(line_num: int, https: str) -> List[str]:

err_msgs = []

if https not in https_keys:
err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'{https} is not a valid HTTPS option')

return err_msgs

def check_cors(line_num: int, cors: str) -> List[str]:

err_msgs = []

if cors not in cors_keys:
err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'{cors} is not a valid CORS option')
return err_msgs

def check_entry(line_num: int, segments: List[str]) -> List[str]:

raw_title = segments[index_title]
description = segments[index_desc]
auth = segments[index_auth]
https = segments[index_https]
cors = segments[index_cors]

title_err_msgs = check_title(line_num, raw_title)
desc_err_msgs = check_description(line_num, description)
auth_err_msgs = check_auth(line_num, auth)
https_err_msgs = check_https(line_num, https)
cors_err_msgs = check_cors(line_num, cors)

err_msgs = [

return err_msgs

def check_file_format(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:

err_msgs = []
category_title_in_index = []

alphabetical_err_msgs = check_alphabetical_order(lines)

num_in_category = min_entries_per_category + 1
category = ''
category_line = 0

for line_num, line_content in enumerate(lines):

category_title_match = category_title_in_index_re.match(line_content)
if category_title_match:

# check each category for the minimum number of entries
if line_content.startswith(anchor):
category_match = anchor_re.match(line_content)
if category_match:
if category_match.group(1) not in category_title_in_index:
err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'category header ({category_match.group(1)}) not added to Index section')
err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'category header is not formatted correctly')

if num_in_category < min_entries_per_category:
err_msg = error_message(category_line, f'{category} category does not have the minimum {min_entries_per_category} entries (only has {num_in_category})')

category = line_content.split(' ')[1]
category_line = line_num
num_in_category = 0

# skips lines that we do not care about
if not line_content.startswith('|') or line_content.startswith('|---'):

num_in_category += 1
segments = line_content.split('|')[1:-1]
if len(segments) < num_segments:
err_msg = error_message(line_num, f'entry does not have all the required columns (have {len(segments)}, need {num_segments})')
for segment in segments:
# every line segment should start and end with exactly 1 space
if len(segment) - len(segment.lstrip()) != 1 or len(segment) - len(segment.rstrip()) != 1:
err_msg = error_message(line_num, 'each segment must start and end with exactly 1 space')
segments = [segment.strip() for segment in segments]
entry_err_msgs = check_entry(line_num, segments)
return err_msgs

def main(filename: str) -> None:

with open(filename, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
lines = list(line.rstrip() for line in file)

file_format_err_msgs = check_file_format(lines)

if file_format_err_msgs:
for err_msg in file_format_err_msgs:

if __name__ == '__main__':

num_args = len(sys.argv)

if num_args < 2:
print('No .md file passed (file should contain Markdown table syntax)')

filename = sys.argv[1]


+ 273
- 0
scripts/validate/links.py Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re
import sys
import random
from typing import List, Tuple

import requests
from requests.models import Response

def find_links_in_text(text: str) -> List[str]:
"""Find links in a text and return a list of URLs."""

link_pattern = re.compile(r'((?:https?://|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:\'\".,<>?«»“”‘’]))')

raw_links = re.findall(link_pattern, text)

links = [
str(raw_link[0]) for raw_link in raw_links

return links

def find_links_in_file(filename: str) -> List[str]:
"""Find links in a file and return a list of URLs from text file."""

with open(filename, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
readme = file.read()
index_section = readme.find('## Index')
if index_section == -1:
index_section = 0
content = readme[index_section:]

links = find_links_in_text(content)

return links

def check_duplicate_links(links: List[str]) -> Tuple[bool, List]:
"""Check for duplicated links.

Returns a tuple with True or False and duplicate list.

seen = {}
duplicates = []
has_duplicate = False

for link in links:
link = link.rstrip('/')
if link not in seen:
seen[link] = 1
if seen[link] == 1:

if duplicates:
has_duplicate = True

return (has_duplicate, duplicates)

def fake_user_agent() -> str:
"""Faking user agent as some hosting services block not-whitelisted UA."""

user_agents = [
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1467.0 Safari/537.36',
'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko)',
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Safari/537.36',
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36',

return random.choice(user_agents)

def get_host_from_link(link: str) -> str:

host = link.split('://', 1)[1] if '://' in link else link

# Remove routes, arguments and anchors
if '/' in host:
host = host.split('/', 1)[0]

elif '?' in host:
host = host.split('?', 1)[0]

elif '#' in host:
host = host.split('#', 1)[0]

return host

def has_cloudflare_protection(resp: Response) -> bool:
"""Checks if there is any cloudflare protection in the response.

Cloudflare implements multiple network protections on a given link,
this script tries to detect if any of them exist in the response from request.

Common protections have the following HTTP code as a response:
- 403: When host header is missing or incorrect (and more)
- 503: When DDOS protection exists

See more about it at:
- https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003014512-4xx-Client-Error
- https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003011431-Troubleshooting-Cloudflare-5XX-errors
- https://www.cloudflare.com/ddos/
- https://superuser.com/a/888526

Discussions in issues and pull requests:
- https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis/pull/2409
- https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis/issues/2960

code = resp.status_code
server = resp.headers.get('Server') or resp.headers.get('server')
cloudflare_flags = [
'403 Forbidden',
'Security check',
'Please Wait... | Cloudflare',
'We are checking your browser...',
'Please stand by, while we are checking your browser...',
'Checking your browser before accessing',
'This process is automatic.',
'Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.',
'Please allow up to 5 seconds',
'DDoS protection by',
'Ray ID:',
'Cloudflare Ray ID:',

if code in [403, 503] and server == 'cloudflare':
html = resp.text

flags_found = [flag in html for flag in cloudflare_flags]
any_flag_found = any(flags_found)

if any_flag_found:
return True

return False

def check_if_link_is_working(link: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
"""Checks if a link is working.

If an error is identified when the request for the link occurs,
the return will be a tuple with the first value True and the second
value a string containing the error message.

If no errors are identified, the return will be a tuple with the
first value False and the second an empty string.

has_error = False
error_message = ''

resp = requests.get(link, timeout=25, headers={
'User-Agent': fake_user_agent(),
'host': get_host_from_link(link)

code = resp.status_code

if code >= 400 and not has_cloudflare_protection(resp):
has_error = True
error_message = f'ERR:CLT: {code} : {link}'

except requests.exceptions.SSLError as error:
has_error = True
error_message = f'ERR:SSL: {error} : {link}'

except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error:
has_error = True
error_message = f'ERR:CNT: {error} : {link}'

except (TimeoutError, requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout):
has_error = True
error_message = f'ERR:TMO: {link}'

except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects as error:
has_error = True
error_message = f'ERR:TMR: {error} : {link}'

except (Exception, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as error:
has_error = True
error_message = f'ERR:UKN: {error} : {link}'

return (has_error, error_message)

def check_if_list_of_links_are_working(list_of_links: List[str]) -> List[str]:
error_messages = []
for link in list_of_links:
has_error, error_message = check_if_link_is_working(link)

if has_error:

return error_messages

def start_duplicate_links_checker(links: List[str]) -> None:

print('Checking for duplicate links...')

has_duplicate_link, duplicates_links = check_duplicate_links(links)

if has_duplicate_link:
print(f'Found duplicate links:')

for duplicate_link in duplicates_links:

print('No duplicate links.')

def start_links_working_checker(links: List[str]) -> None:

print(f'Checking if {len(links)} links are working...')

errors = check_if_list_of_links_are_working(links)
if errors:

num_errors = len(errors)
print(f'Apparently {num_errors} links are not working properly. See in:')

for error_message in errors:


def main(filename: str, only_duplicate_links_checker: bool) -> None:

links = find_links_in_file(filename)


if not only_duplicate_links_checker:

if __name__ == '__main__':
num_args = len(sys.argv)
only_duplicate_links_checker = False

if num_args < 2:
print('No .md file passed')
elif num_args == 3:
third_arg = sys.argv[2].lower()

if third_arg == '-odlc' or third_arg == '--only_duplicate_links_checker':
only_duplicate_links_checker = True
print(f'Third invalid argument. Usage: python {__file__} [-odlc | --only_duplicate_links_checker]')

filename = sys.argv[1]

main(filename, only_duplicate_links_checker)
