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Add Token Metrics Data API

Add the Token Metrics Data API to the Cryptocurrency section
Muhammad Azeem hace 1 año
committed by GitHub
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@@ -452,6 +452,7 @@ API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
| [Poloniex](https://docs.poloniex.com) | US based digital asset exchange | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | | [Poloniex](https://docs.poloniex.com) | US based digital asset exchange | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [Solana JSON RPC](https://docs.solana.com/developing/clients/jsonrpc-api) | Provides various endpoints to interact with the Solana Blockchain | No | Yes | Unknown | | [Solana JSON RPC](https://docs.solana.com/developing/clients/jsonrpc-api) | Provides various endpoints to interact with the Solana Blockchain | No | Yes | Unknown |
| [Technical Analysis](https://technical-analysis-api.com) | Cryptocurrency prices and technical analysis | `apiKey` | Yes | No | | [Technical Analysis](https://technical-analysis-api.com) | Cryptocurrency prices and technical analysis | `apiKey` | Yes | No |
| [Token Metrics Data](https://developers.tokenmetrics.com) | provides endpoints to power trading bots, models, and platforms | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [VALR](https://docs.valr.com/) | Cryptocurrency Exchange based in South Africa | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | | [VALR](https://docs.valr.com/) | Cryptocurrency Exchange based in South Africa | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [WorldCoinIndex](https://www.worldcoinindex.com/apiservice) | Cryptocurrencies Prices | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown | | [WorldCoinIndex](https://www.worldcoinindex.com/apiservice) | Cryptocurrencies Prices | `apiKey` | Yes | Unknown |
| [ZMOK](https://zmok.io) | Ethereum JSON RPC API and Web3 provider | No | Yes | Unknown | | [ZMOK](https://zmok.io) | Ethereum JSON RPC API and Web3 provider | No | Yes | Unknown |
